The Vamp's Girl [30]

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I stared at my door that was slightly ajar, strange. I didn’t remember leaving it this way last night. In fact I was distinctly sure that I had closed it properly. Oh well, maybe a servant or someone had come looking for me. I shrugged my shoulders and opened the door stepping inside.



Everything in my room had been destroyed, the mirrors and windows were shattered, the bed was broken and the sheets ripped to shreds, broken planks of wood surrounded the floor and there were strange words carved into the walls. This had to be some sick joke right? Who would have done such a thing? Even the floors were claw scratches, I blinked and suddenly the room was tainted with bloody writing and blood was smeared all along the walls. A sharp pain errupted in my mind it was like someone was hammering a large pin or needle in- a very large blunt needle into my head. I dropped to my knees.

“HELP!” I screamed, I took long deep breaths to calm myself.

“Lady April?” I looked up to see Nama Lily come over to me, she gently put down her basket of white silk sheets and touched my hand gently. “Do you feel ill?” She asked.

“The walls...the blood...” I whispered, Nama Lily turned her head to stare into my room but she blinked a few times before she frowned at me.

“It is the way you left it. Is there something you wish to change?” She asked.

What was she talking about? Did she not see...I turned my head to look at my room, it was completely normal. The bed was made in the corner, I got up and walked into my room. There wasn’t even a speck of dust on the floors. I touched the walls of my room, normal. I couldn’t feel the carvings of strange words was as Nama Lily had said. Just as I had left it.

“Oh...I must have dreamt it.” I said in disbelief, whatever I had seen was was real. I knew it in my gut. “Lily, can this stay between us? It’ll be a secret okay?” I told her, she nodded her head with a smile and left to go back to her duties.

I stood in my room for a moment and ran a hand through my hair, I narrowed my eyes at nothing inparticular...I knew for sure now. Someone was definately watching me. Who was it though....and what did they want with me? I tried to think back...the words on the wall...What did they mean? I quickly grabbed a pen and piece of paper and tried to remember the words. Thank god, I was talented in art, I closed my eyes and let my hand drift and curve all over the paper, letting the fleeting image in my head travel from my hand onto the paper.

“Are you ready April?” Keilor peeked his head in through the door, I jolted up from my table.

“I totally spaced! I’ll just quickly take a shower!” I said running into the bathroom, my mind was hazed with questions that demanded answers I didn’t have. The water ran over my body, it was cold...too cold but I didn’t turn the hot water higher. The frightening images in my mind were haunting me and it made me wonder...what would have happened last night if I had decided to sleep in my own bed. Would that have been my own blood smeared along the walls? Was that the thing I felt was watching me? I grabbed my own arms and sat down in the corner of my shower to stop myself from shaking.

Who was it...

Better question was...what was it?


I frowned, that look on her face. Something troubling was settling in the air, I didn’t like it. The way she was so tense last night; she was scared- it was not just was something far scarier that seemed to be looking over her shoulder. I looked over to the table she had been sitting at moments before I had walked into her room. What was she doing? I heard the shower still running, I walked over to the table.

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