chapter 0.17.

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Leah's P.o.v.
All I wanted right now was to see my mom. I sat in the waiting room to get registered so I could g see her. Alex agreed to come along with me to support me. I finally got to go in the room. When I saw her u screamed at how she looked. She had cuts all over, a bandage right around her head and a cast on her right foot. Tears flooded my eyes then started to run down my face. I ran out the room trying to get away from everything I just saw. I found a lake close to the hospital. I sat at the edge of the lake with my feet in the water with my head in my lap. I cried my heart out thinking about my mom. My phone started to ring, looking at the caller ID I saw Alex, I allowed it to ring for a while then I answered it.

Alex- Leah where are you? Nick and i are worried sick.
Leah- am by the lake. I couldn't stay in that room and look at her. My heart felt as if it where slowly ripping apart.
Alex- please come back to the hospital or tell me exactly where you are.
Leah- am fine Alex, stop worrying.
Alex- babe I will keep worrying until I can see that your okay. Please tell me where you are.
Leah- *sigh* when you exit the hospital walk straight then turn left and walk straight until you see the lake.
Alex- okay am on my way.

Alex's P.o.v.
I followed her directions and found her sitting at the edge of the lake crying. I don't know how she feels but I know she's really hurt,to know that her mom is in a coma, the only person that was always there for her no matter what, is either going to die or live. I sat beside her and she laid her head in my lap still crying, you could see that she had been crying for a while because the tears and make-up stained her cheeks. Each time I attempt to touch her she would shift away so I gave up trying.

I sat there looking at her when my phone rang, looking at the caller's ID I saw Nick, I answered it while playing with Leah's hair.

Nick- Alex where are you?
Alex- by the lake with Leah, what's up?
Nick- she's awake! Get back here right now with Leah.
Alex- you're joking! are you serious?
Nick- am serious Alex, get back in here now!
Alex- okay! Okay! We're coming now!

Babe we gotta go back right now! I said brushing her hair out of her face. Why, I can't manage seeing her right now Alex, she answered pulling my hands around her. Your mom is awake! Nick just called. I answered pulling away getting up with her. Really! Oh my gosh! Let's go, she said surprised and happy pulling me running back to the hospital and into the room where her mom is. Nick where's my baby, is she alright, she asked softly looking around the room. She's on her way back dear, he answered. Mommy! Leah screamed running to her hugging her. Hi sweetie, am so happy to see you, she answered kissing Leah's forehead. Mom I love you so much, she said crying. I love you too baby, Mommy will always love you boo, she said brushing back her hair.
Hi Mrs. Sanchez how are you? Alex asked walking over to us. Am fine dear, Alex can you do me a favor? She asked looking up at him. Yeah sure anything. Can you asked your parents permission for me if my daughter can live with you? She asked hugging Leah, who was curled up in the bed beside her. Yeah sure, he answered taking out his phone dialing his mom.

Kelsey- hello
Alex- hi mom, I need a favor
Kelsey- is everything alright?
Alex- yea everything is fine, it's just that Leah's mom is in the hospital and she's asking if Leah could live with us?
Kelsey- of course she can she's always welcome to stay with us.
Alex- can she stay until she's ready to move out?
Kelsey- as long as she wants her house is right next door.
Alex- okay thanks mom.
Kelsey- sure thing, by the way, where exactly are you?
Alex- um we're in New York
Kelsey- NEW YORK! What are you doing in New York ? Where's your sister?
Alex- Leah's mom is in the New York hospital and Brianna is at aunty Sandra.
Kelsey- you need to hurry and go home
Alex- our flight is in the next hour bye mom
Kelsey- bye Alex stay safe now.

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