chapter 0.4.

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Alex's P.o.v.

Hey am not being cruel, I hid her keys in my jacket so she could stay with me for the rest of the night. I invited her inside, left her in the living room and went up to my room and changed and came back down with one of my moms bathrobe for her to sleep in.
My parents are gone to Barbados for their anniversary so we had to house to ourselves.

She took the robe and went in the guest room to change, she came back out on a shorts and a tube top with the robe over it.
"I see you found back your pajamas you left over here", I said looking at her trying not to touch her. "Yeah right where I left them" she answered sweetly.

Leah's P.o.v.
He was wearing a sweat pants and a muscle v neck t shirt, its strange that I can't find my keys and I never took it out of my purse, anyways mom went out on a date with Nick so I had to stay over here because I can't find my keys.
"Alex am hungry what are you cooking" I asked looking at him in the kitchen. "Some noodle soup so we may get sober enough for school, and you said you were having a tummy ache so it my help", he answered.

We sat around the table eating then I went up to his room and laid on his bed and he came up shortly after and pulled out his air bed and slept on it.

Alex woke me up saying I should get ready for school, so I got up and climbed through my window and got ready. I choose a black button front mini shirt, a black high waist shorts and my black timberlands. I found my keys on my bed, I grabbed my bag and ran down stairs where I saw Alex dressed similar to me talking to my mom. He was in a black button front shirt that was tight showing his well defined and tone muscles , a black jeans pants and a black timberland.
We drove in his Ferrari to school, arriving parked beside his friends who were deep in conversation.
We came out when his friends saw me and stopped talking and started staring at me ignoring the girls that were beside them seeking attention.
"Wow Leah marry me", Joel said going on his knees holding up his hands. "Dude back off you're only doing that because my wife looks good", Alex said pushing him away. "Oh you were married am really sorry", he said holding up his hands surrendering.

The bell rang, I removed the books from my locker closing my locker Santanio stood in front of me as I turned around grabbing my waist, hey beautiful, he said playfully, before I could answer I felt someone remove his hands from around my waist, turning around I saw Alex looking at me with raised eyebrows as he folded his arms. "Dude stop touching her are we clear", he said unfolding his arms pulling me to him, "are we clear he asked again
"As crystal", he answered. "Leah let's go", Alex said kissing my neck.
We walked off into class and Alex apologized to the teacher for us being late and we went to the back of the class and sat and she continued her lesson.

"You like to see me angry don't you?" Alex asked sounding really pissed. "What did I do wrong huh? Tell me what exactly I did wrong?" I yelled at him.
"Ms. Santairy and Mr. Williams detention now", the teacher screamed at us.

I got up and walked out if the class and Alex came shortly after, grabbing me he spun me around catching me in his arms, "babe am sorry, its just that I don't like seeing that guy around you", he apologized kissing me. "I forgive you, but you can't stop me from seeing him, he's my best friend babe, we used to do everything together until I met you", I said.

We sat in the detention room studying when she allowed us to leave early because we were quiet, we came out and went home, I went to my room and Alex did the same.

Waking up my phone rang

Beastly Alex
Are you alright? 💆💆

Yeah am fine, how about you? 💁👍

Beastly Alex
I want someone to hug💓

I'll be over in ten minutes👣

Beastly Alex
Okay hurry🙌😘

I got up and changed into my pj's and climbed across the windows jumping through the windows he caught me in his arms. "I came up the right time", he said looking in my eyes.

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