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I cannot believe its been almost a year since this series ended.

Honestly, I don't like these books. They're very crude- it's just what I write at the second, not planned before or anything like that.

The only thing I had planned while writing this book was that there would be 3 books, and the start and end of every one of them.

Every time I would write, I would take a step towards the ending in a new way.

It was definately fun for me, putting in the pieces like a puzzle. But what turned out from it seems to me as a dirty mess of ideas.

I know I have to edit this, but it would take me years to take this to perfection, and I have too many books I want to write. I already have 7 drafts that I had written down and planned.

I would have deleted this, but I know what it feels like when the author says 'I feel so embarrassed of this book so I will erase' about a really good book that I really really.

Feels like shit.

This book is embarrassing, but I decided to be proud of the fact that I wrote this much, and didn't give up in the middle.

And I have all these wonderful readers that read my book over and over again like I did with my favorite books.

I'm going to keep on writing as long as I can, no matter how long it takes.

If you're done reading this book, try reading HIRAETH. It's a short book, won't take you long.

And Somewhere Between too.

Thanks a lot.

Why Me?(Third book of Call me Omega)Where stories live. Discover now