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It was February 27th. I had two days left with Joey and the girls, and I was highly upset about that.

The past few days had been great, Jack and Finn and Dan and Phil. it was a blast. But after they left we all knew it was about mine and Brandi's time, so we are trying to have as much fun as possible before we left. Tonight we were going clubbing, much to my protest, so I had to find a dress to wear.


Claire, Lillian, Brandi, and I stood in my room, everyone in a dress but me, helping me to find something to wear.

"Why do I even have to go?" I groaned, sitting on my bed. Claire handed me a black dress.

"Wear it." She demanded, avoiding my question, the other two nodded, and I just rolled my eyes and walked into the bathroom, changing out of my sweatpants. I was incredibly skinny, and not in the good way. I could easily locate all of my ribs, with little red marks scattered around my stomach. How could Joey fall back in love with me? He was helping me, but I still looked horrible. I slid the dress over my head and zipped it up. It was tight, so my ribs were faint through it. I hoped no one would notice. I walked back out and the girls squealed and handed me a pair of stilettos. I put them on and they did my hair in waves and I was ready. We walked down the steps and Joey stood there, waiting for me to take my hand in his.

We all got into Claire's car and drove to the club.

"I still really don't want to go." I told Joey.

"Neither do I." He responded. I smiled a bit and leaned against him as we drove.

"We're here!" Claire said as we parked outside the building. The girls walked out and Joey helped me out and we all walked inside.

Joey got seperated from us about 30 minutes into the party, Claire had wandered somewhere, Lillian was dancing, so it was just me and Brandi at the bar.

"Can I get another round of shots please?" I called to a bartender. He nodded, quickly filling a few shots and sliding them toward me. I raised my hand in thanks, and he went back to taking other orders.

"Um, Delilah, I don't think Joey would like you drinking that much." She told me.

"Oh well, I'm hardly wasted. I mean, I can't stand straight really well, but I'm not wasted." I said, downing a couple of the shots. She shook her head, ordering a water for me.

Another 15 minutes had passed, and Joey walked up behind me and whispered into my ear.

"You're not a virgin anymore, so can I take you home with me?"

He was obviously drunk, but I didn't care, I needed him before we were seperated for who knows how long. 


That was a rushed chapter oh well it's almost over anyway and i think yall are really disappointed at me aren't you oh well i really don't care because i don't like this story i just want it over and done with so like one or two more chapters after this yeah happy 2014 everyone um bye imma work on the next chapter now yeah it's almost over 

have you realized i haven't used a period yet idk why i'm just acting retarded i'm done talking now bye

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