Chapter 15 - Dilemma | Jason

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My heart is weak
Tear it down piece by piece
Leave me to think
Deep in my structure, I think I still love her
But I need some sleep
You've taken my breath away
Now I want to breathe
'Cause I cannot see, what you can see
So easily I thought my demons were almost defeated
But you took their side and you pulled them to freedom

— Demons by Jacob Lee

Jason stopped by the office after he left Evelyn with her friends at the cafe

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Jason stopped by the office after he left Evelyn with her friends at the cafe. It was a typical Friday, the work needed to be done but everyone already switched to weekend mode.

"That document better be on my desk before the end of the day or heads will roll," Jason breathed menacingly into the phone before slamming it down.

"Mr. Knight?" Jason's inherited secretary appeared in the doorway.

Jason sighed and looked up at Elle.

"I will follow up on that document for you before the end of today." Elle nodded with a smile. "Also, Leo is here—"

"I don't have time."

Elle pressed her lips into a thin line. "I'm in charge of your schedule, I know you have time to hear him out." She stared Jason down.

Jason had nothing but respect for Elle. She was the closest to a mother figure he had growing up. She had a disregard for shenanigans and unparalleled attention to detail.

When he silently glared at her she smiled and waved for Leo to enter.

Jason sat down behind his desk.

Leo walked in and sat down opposite him. "I have some news for you."

Jason exhaled slowly and fiddled with a paperclip he found on the desk. He stared silently at Leo.

Leo frowned. " Connor was attacked last night at the warehouse. One attacker took out three of my dad's men...two survived but Darrel had a nail gun emptied into his face."

Jason dropped the paperclip and sat straighter. Darrel was a champion fighter.

"The attacker wanted to know which gang was responsible for a murder sixteen years ago." Leo shrugged.

"So, the attacks are personal." Jason mused.

Leo nodded. "Guess it's just a matter of time before they figure out which gang is to blame for the murder."

"We need to find out before he does." Jason pulled a hand through his hair. "Sixteen years we know who was murdered?"

Leo shook his head. "No, Logan asked me to leave before Connor said anymore because—"

"Because of your relationship with me." Jason rubbed his chin.

Leo nodded. "Yes, my family doesn't trust me because of my loyalty to you."

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