Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Harper drove for a full twenty four hours without stopping, Lisa's petrol tank luckily lasting them that long until they reach the fifth town from Carver's Cove, finally pulling into an old motel.

As the car came to an abrupt stop, Lisa was jerked out of her dreamworld and into the reality she wished so much she didn't have to face.

Chantelle and Jamie woke up along with her, their distinct moans gaining her attention as she turned around to assure herself that her friends were all right. 

Chantelle's eyes went wide as she noticed Harper in the front seat but what surprised her more was the boy lying on her lap. Jamie sat up the minute he noticed Chantelle staring down at him.

"The hell!" He yelled, his voice still husky and thick with sleep.

Lisa put her finger to her lip, silencing both Jamie and Chantelle's questioning, turning her attention reluctantly to the angel sitting beside her.

"Where are we?" She asked, opening her door as she noticed him getting out.

Her butt felt numb from sitting all night and now waking up with the evening air meeting her face. She felt the significantly warmer air than her Carver's Cove air blissfully catching her hair and letting it fall across her face. She took out her hair and let it fall freely down her back, again letting the wind catch it. 

She noticed she had caught Harper's attention, watching her in awe as her beauty was now brought into his perspective, her golden locks framing her face and catching her eyes perfectly.

She flicked her hair slightly, looking at him expectantly.

"Are you going to answer me or keep me in the dark again?" The bite in her tone made Harper flinch.

"Far enough from my brothers." He answered, opening Jamie's door and pulling the boy out by his arm. "You are now in charge of watching the girls if I am not around, should you not take that seriously and Lisa be harmed in any way, I will hold you personally responsible." Harper said, his voice low for only the boy to hear him. Jamie gave him a confused look. "We are all in danger, that is enough explanation you need."

He let go of Jamie and proceeded to open Chantelle's door, only to find her cowering away from his outstretched hand. He left the door open and walked towards the entrance of the motel. It sat on the outskirts of the town he had brought them to, exactly what they needed at the moment. 

They had a day in advance of his brothers, it would take them a few days to find them and by then they would be gone again. Harper could have driven another five days but to have Lisa and the other humans sleeping the way they were would only result in unneeded arguments and pain.

Lisa followed behind him while Jamie and Chantelle stayed in the car. She walked alongside him, not talking at first but as they reached the door she stopped him.

"What if they ask questions?" She said, keeping her tone neutral.


She nodded, realising she had now fallen into the escaped prisoner role. It was up to her to keep everyone in line now, Harper would make things hard on them all but she knew they needed him, to think otherwise would make one stupid. He knew more about the angels than anyone and the sooner she wrapped her mind around that the sooner she could figure out a way to get out of this damned trap she'd let herself walk into.

Last night he had explained everything to her, how he had tried to stay away from her to keep everyone safe because he knew it would come to this, how when he had found out about his feelings for her he had tried to deny them, how he had pushed her away when she had gotten curious. Still, she held him responsible for what had happened at her house, for forcing her to leave her family, her home. She had lost everything because she had allowed herself to love an angel.

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