Chapter Fifteen

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The group, Lisa, Harper, Jamie and Chantelle stayed together for the rest of the night, Jamie determined not to lose Chantelle and Chantelle determined not to let Lisa out of her sight again.

Lisa still felt that pang of angst as she watched the many teenagers grind and dancer upon one another. 

"Didn't get to finish our dance." Jamie whispered in Chantelle's ear, eyeing the dancefloor and seeing all the grinding happening, hoping Chantelle would accept the invitation.

"You walked out on me remember?" Chantelle ignored him, still upset about him leaving her on the dancefloor to assist Lisa who clearly had Harper beside her to protect her.

"Don't be like that, I had to help out." Jamie said, draping his arm over her shoulder which she shrugged off.

"I'm not being like anything, I'm sure Tyson would love a dance though, I'll just go find him." Chantelle smirked, waggling her eyebrows at Lisa.

Lisa just shook her head at Chantelle, knowing how much she must be annoying Jamie right now with her mention of another boy.

Jamie instantly felt infuriated, she was always doing this, she never seemed interested in him but she enjoyed teasing him. Could she really not see how much he wanted her? How much he cared? Was she blind? 

"Go do your thing, Chantelle." Jamie stalked off, willing the jealousy he felt to go away.

Maybe it was his turn to make her feel bad, see if she will get jealous. He had never tried it, but there's a first time for everything. He plastered on a smirk as he approached Kaitlyn and her group which he knew was in perfect view for Chantelle to see.

"The nerve!" Chantelle growled, noticing the girls instantly clinging to Jamie as he approached him, hanging onto his every word.

"You two are like an old married couple." Lisa mused.

"Please, I'd have to be out of my mind to even consider liking him." And it was true, Chantelle now wondered if she was out of her mind.

"Hey, Jamie's always been nice to you." Lisa defended him, she had always been protective of him, she had brought him into the social life of her group meaning he would be frenzied by girls.

"Playing someone isn't nice." Chantelle huffed, looking around the room trying to find some decent guys in the crowd. 

Tyson always seemed to just stick out due to his height and his lean built body. But he was attractive and through amazing parties. Chantelle spotted him fairly quickly with his gelled up hair and pointed nose on his tanned face. He wasn't nearly as attractive as Jamie but he would do.

Chantelle shifted off her seat and flicked her hair, feeling her confidence rise with every step. 

The best thing about Tyson was that everyone noticed him, he was always seen and if she were with him, this would be perfect. She swayed her hips as she approached him, arching an eyebrow and pasting her trademark smirk on as she pushed through the crowd to get to the boy.

Tyson had flirted with her many times, she never took him seriously but desperate times.

"Hey Ty!" Chantelle approached. "Great party."

"Chant, well if you like it then I must be doing something right." Tyson ignored the two girls who had been clinging to him, placing his hands on Chantelle's waist, waggling his eyebrows.

"Oh babe, you're doing a lot of things wrong right now." She winked, turning around with his hands still on her waist, dragging him along with her so that they were in clear view of everyone in the room.

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