Chapter Ten

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As Lisa rounded the corner in the distance of the park, Harper snapped out of his trance. Shocked by what he had just experienced. 

No, no, no! His mind screamed at him. How had he let himself feel that way about her?

No! He could not see her again. He would not feel that need again, that lust that had overrun him with impulse and spontaneousness. He was collected, dependable. He would not let this girl cloud what was his. 

No, he could not see Lisa again, not while his need for her still clung so strongly to him, he couldn't risk feeling things he shouldn't for a human.

A human. He despised humans, he had fallen because of them. They were the reason for him being banished. He would not care about one insanely sad human who couldn't control her emotions around him.

Storming into the house, he avoided Gladis' smirk and the hiss of the cat as he burst through his bedroom door, looking at the messed up bed for a moment before rushing over to it and fixing it, making sure there was no trace of her being here, holding so much power over him. 

He noticed she had left her shoes on his floor to which he grabbed and threw in the wardrobe, willing them to not be seen. 

After getting rid of every piece of evidence that she had been here, he sat on his bed and ran his hands through his hair. Stupid, he was utterly delusional, he had been spending too much time on earth. He wasn't human! To pretend to be would be stupid.

He should retreat back to the hill he had spent those five nights on so many weeks ago. How long had he let himself be sucked into the ways of the mundane? 

He sneered to himself, he was not human! He was superior to them.

He would stay away from her she was bad, she was tempting and she was an enchantress he could not afford to fall for.

Lisa drove home with a huge grin on her face. Yes, she admitted she had not gone to him with the intention of getting him so needy for her, but she didn't mind. She could not believe how happy she was. He did want her, she wasn't unwanted. 

She had him twisted around her finger the minute they were close to each other. She pulled into her drive way where Jamie's car was already parked. 

Her mood hadn't dulled though, she was still happy, she was on her high, her cloud nine. No one would take that from her. Harper wanted her, him with his dark brown eyes and alluring aura.

Lisa walked up the porch and into her house, greeting her grandparents with a smile before marching upstairs to await whatever amount of grief Jamie was going to put her through, she knew Jamie had hoped she would accept Austin.

She had almost forgotten about Austin while being with Harper, it flowed back quickly though, the sadness, the hurt upon his face, but a quick flashback of Harpers breath hitting her cheeks quickly warmed her face to a point where she knew she was outwardly blushing.

She opened her bedroom door to see Chantelle sitting alongside Jamie who had jumped at her sudden entrance. 

Lisa knew she wore a milliow watt smile upon her face and didn't care, she would let herself be happy about her accomplishment today. She had melted a heart of ice.

"Chirpy for a girl who broke a heart today." Jamie said sarcastically, adding a bite to his comment.

"On the contrare, my friend, I created one today as well." Lisa shrugged off her jacket and hung it over her computer chair.

"He hasn't talked to anybody today, you should talk to him." Jamie tried a different approach, wishing for his friend to just look at him and see the plea in his eyes.

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