Chapter Fourteen

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Chantelle and Harper left after a few hours of staying with Lisa and her parents. They wanted Lisa's whole family to have some time together, the grandparents had shown up about two hours after her parents had. 

Chantelle had witnessed how much Andrea, Lisa's mum, liked Harper, she found him to be a kind, quiet boy, one she wanted her daughter to end up with. Miles, Lisa's dad, had been the one to talk most to Harper though, making sure he kept to his intentions. 

But Miles obviously couldn't deny Harper's intentions after seeing Lisa smile every time they locked eyes, and Harper's gentle smile towards her every time they were near.

Chantelle also knew that Harper only cared for Lisa, no one in that house meant anything to him, she didn't mean much to him other than Lisa's best friend. She knew if it came down to a choice of the world around him and Lisa, he would choose Lisa based on the small fact that he felt some form of care towards her. It was like his heart was blocked off to only one person.

If someone were jumping off a bridge and he were there, one phone call would have him rushing to Lisa instead of staying to help the poor lost soul. This was bad, Chantelle was happy Harper had found something to care for but it was an unhealthy care that would get people hurt. She wouldn't ruin what her friend had though, maybe one day Harper would like to care, to feel human emotions.

She wondered briefly what kind of household he must have grown up in to look so hollow of feelings. Serial killers, robbers, rapists. Maybe that's what was the problem, he had blocked himself from feeling anything in his home resulting in him blocking himself away from civilisation. Lisa had somehow worked past that wall, how? Chantelle didn't know, but she was glad.

Her phone rang, bringing her back to realisation. She had dropped Harper off because Lisa had picked him up on her way home. She had been doing it for the last two weeks, that, or he'd be picking her up from school. They were stuck as friends though, denying any feelings they had towards one another.

Harper's declaration had changed that, she could see it in Lisa. She had grown more attached to him the moment he admitted the words to her father.

Ring ring. Chantelle grabbed the phone, stopping on the side of the road. 

She checked the caller ID to see Cole's name, brightening her day. She had always thought of him as her big brother, he took care of her and made her feel at home. 

"Hey!" She answered the phone cheerfully.

"Hey, everyone's heading over to Tyson's for a party grab Lisa and her puppy and get your butt over there." Cole yelled into the phone. Chantelle could hear ruffling in the background and something that sounded like 'Leave the puppy' which she could only guess would be coming from Austin.

"Lisa's parents just got home, she's spending time with them." Chantelle felt a little disappointed but ignored the feeling as quickly as it had arose.

"So? How long are they staying for?" Cole asked, sounding care free.

"Five days I think." 

"One party in five days won't hurt anybody."

"Fine, I'll give her a call and see what she says." Chantelle rolled her eyes.

"Love you." Cole mused before hanging up on her.

Chantelle again rolled her eyes at the stupidity of the boy she had formed a bond with. 

She dialed in Lisa's number and waited as it rang. She knew Lisa would take her time answering her phone, probably not even hearing it so her second option was to call the home phone. Lisa's phone went to voicemail and Chantelle dialed the home number.

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