Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Harper had finished fixing the steps and had cemented the marble step he had moved, when he looked over the park to find a car parking in the front of Lisa's house. Three figures emerged from the car, he could make out who they were and as his eyes adjusted, moving closer to them, he could see Lisa's tear-stained face as Chantelle hugged her.

"Don't look if it's just going to upset you." Harper's anger boiled the minute the voice uttered its first syllable.

He turned to Raphael, gripping the angel by his shirt and slamming his back against the house.

"You got what you wanted! I have hurt the only thing I had wished not to, now leave." He said through gritted teeth, venom in his every word.

"What you did was cowardly!" Raphael spat at him. "You wished for this to happen," He gripped Harper shirt, shoving him away and straightening his own shirt, small tears where Harper's hands had gripped too hard and ripped the material. "I was fighting for you and you do this! You are pathetic."

"It was this or have her killed, take your pick brother for I already have." Harper growled, his eyes piercing with the glare upon them.

Raphael looked at his younger brother, seeing the desperation embedded in his features. He thought back on his arguments with his other brothers, his fight for Lisa's preservation and for Harper's freedom to do as he pleases.

Harper wasn't the only brother who was now enraged by what he had done, Raphael now felt his anger towards Harper fill the air between the two.

He shook his head, a sneer placed on his lips. Stalking towards his brother, he grabbed his shirt again and within seconds they were upon the hill where Harper had landed after being banished.

"Do you remember why you were banished?" He threw his brother to the tree, hearing the crack in the tree at the force at which he had thrown Harper.

"I hated mankind. They were insignificant, ungrateful bacteria in a world filled with wonder. They squandered everything they were given. We were given so little." Harper wiped the blood that dripped down his forehead with the back of his hand, knowing that to fight Raphael now would be nothing but a death wish. "I spoke those words, saying I would rather be banished that to have to worship them."

"They are still all those things." Raphael stated. "Just now, you have fallen in love with one, putting her above all."

"Where is this going, Raphael?" He straightened himself up but kept his distance from his brother.

Raphael smiled, stalking towards Harper once more, hitting him square in the jaw.

"Say it." Raphael said, his voice almost friendly.

"Say what?" Harper knew what he was to say but to admit that would not make a difference.

Another hit followed his blatant answer.

"I said say it!" Raphael growled.

Harper got up, rubbing the blood from his lip, knowing the wound was already healing.

"Why! It will change nothing." He spat at Raphael.

The hit that followed hurt above all the others, the fist leaving a clear imprint upon Harper's cheek.

"Now, I will only say it once more. Say what you feel for that bacteria."

Harper sighed, not bothering to get back up, instead looking out at the town, remembering the days he had sat upon this hill, his only home for five days, before Lisa, before Gladis, before anything that would ruin his life anymore than he already had.

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