Chapter Eighteen

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They on the hill for hours, talking, laughing, anything that felt natural and comfortable to them. Lisa had never felt her heart clench as it did when she tried to move away from Harper only to have her pulled back into his chest where she rested her head, happy that he couldn't see the smile etched on her face. 

She couldn't seem to be rid of the smile, he was making this happen to her, letting everything thing good bottled up in her exploding out.

She had never seen this side of Harper, he chuckled with her occasionally, smiled down to her whenever their eyes met, he had even gone as far as to put a strawberry in her mouth and laughing at how ridiculous she looked. Naturally she had slapped him on the arm and stuffed a strawberry of her own in his mouth, muting his laughter.

Right now she was straddling his lap, eating the remnants of his sandwich which she could see annoyed him a little, he had really enjoyed the sandwich until she snatched it out of his hand and ate the last of it. 

He simply shook his and lifted his legs until Lisa sat on his knees very uncomfortably and had to sit beside him. He smirked her way, taking a strawberry and eating it as she pouted.

Harper looked over the town and saw the oncoming rain clouds as soon as Lisa did. They both started packing up the basket and soon found themselves speeding through the woods, hearing the rain already started to splatter.

They were about four hundred metres from the car when it started to heavily pour down, soaking the pair. Harper searched his pockets for the car keys, unlocking it and helping Lisa into the car. She smiled at how he made sure she was buckled before going around the other side and taking his seat in the driver's side. Maybe chivalry wasn't dead.

Lisa was shivering as her soaked clothes clung to her body, freezing every inch of her skin. Harper was cold as well but he cared more for Lisa's wellbeing than that of his own, so when he caught the small shiver she had permitted for him to see, he stopped the car and got out, grabbing his jacket they had used as a blanket which happened to have a warm material inside, and started to Lisa's side of the car. His jacket was still completely dry and clean, they had put the leather side on the ground.

He opened Lisa's side door and took hold of the shirt she was wearing, pulling it over her head leaving her in only her bra. Lisa looked at Harper, expecting some form of desire like most boys had looked at her but all she saw was concern as he wrapped the warm jacket around her, zipping it up making sure she no longer shivered.

Lisa took note that whilst doing that, Harper was standing in the pouring rain not caring whether or not he was cold, focusing solely on her. She nodded, informing him that she was fine and ushering him to get back in the car before he froze to death outside her door.

Harper ran to the other side of the car and got in, starting it up and driving back towards Lisa's house. 

Harper could feel her watchful eyes on him, taking in his every movement and he felt almost uncomfortable under it.

"Have I done something wrong?" He finally asked, entering their small town as people wandered under the covered sidewalks.

"Oh," Lisa averted her gaze from him, feeling embarrassed by her open staring. "No, not at all, the opposite actually."

"So I have done something right then." He stated, a small smile creeping onto his lips.

He couldn't seem to control his smiling habits when he was around Lisa, she just brought it out of him.

"Yep, you've definitely done something right." She said as they turned into her driveway.

Lisa got out of the before Harper could open her door for her, she had always felt independent and she didn't want that to change even the slightest.

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