Chapter Twenty-One

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Lisa had woken up with the certain happiness at the prospect of having another day with Harper, although she knew today Chantelle would be joining them. What she didn't count on, however, was the possibility of Chantelle being her only visitor.

"He's probably just helping the old gal out with something." Chantelle reassured Lisa, rolling her eyes at the way Lisa had been pacing across the room. She had become so dependent on the boy.

"Maybe he took what my dad said to heart. Now he's staying away." Lisa chewed on her already blunt nail.

"I don't take him as one to be scared of a little comment." Chantelle was really annoyed with Lisa, she had changed so much, become so needy because of this boy. It was like she couldn't go a day without seeing him. 

Chantelle had known Jamie and liked him longer than Lisa with Harper, she could still stay away from the boy, no matter how much it killed her. She could put space between them with the simple knowledge that his heart belonged to someone else.

"Would you just stop already?" Chantelle finally snapped, Lisa looked like a complete fool. "Did you ever consider for maybe even a second that he doesn't want to come over? God, you can't keep the guy on a leash."

Chantelle's eyes widened at he words she had just said to her friend, watching as Lisa's face fell and she stopped. The blonde-haired girl came to sit beside her friend, her face a mask of no emotion.

"Maybe you're right. Maybe he's just sick of me." Lisa noticed Chantelle's anxiety and frustration the minute she stepped foot in her room, but she had ignored it to simply focus on her own problems. "What's up with you?"

"Men are stupid." Chantelle replied.

"I couldn't agree more." Lisa huffed.

"Have I done something wrong?" The new voice left Lisa and Chantelle both jumping on the bed.

Lisa felt her heart unclench as the tall figure entered her doorway and came to sit beside her, giving her his undivided attention.

"Or maybe I'm wrong." Chantelle answered. "I'm gonna go have a chat with your mum, be right back." Chantelle excused herself from the room.

Lisa couldn't seem to meet Harper's gaze, avoiding him seemed like the best strategy. She still couldn't find the trust within her to allow herself to open up to him completely, she always had the nagging feeling that he would hurt her again.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here before. I got distracted." Harper lied swiftly.

He had decided giving her an honest answer would only lead to more questions, most of which he could not answer.

She didn't answer him, her hand fidgeting as she looked into open space, seeing nothing, simply keeping her mind active by thinking of whatever she could.

"Lisa," Harper tucked his hand under her chin, tilting her head to the side to look at him. He traced a small line along her jawline, examining her flawless, pale complexion. "I will never intentionally hurt you again. If you do not know that by now, then you do not know me at all."

"I know." Lisa suddenly jerked her body away from him and stood up, running a hand through her already messy hair. "I'm not used to feeling like a need someone, Harper, and unfortunately for me, I've found that I need you."

"You should have stayed away." Harper told her, knowing he had said the words countless times to her before.

"You think I don't know that?" 

"Then what am I to do, Lisa? You give me nothing near an indication of what you want from me!" Harper could feel the argument fuel inside himself. She had never told him what exactly she wanted from him, he had expressed what he felt for her on two occasions now when she had given him nothing.

"And what if I do and you just walk out!" She yelled across the room, her eyes alight with a fire that was driving Harper insane with a desire to dim that fire.

He didn't stop his next movement, they felt too right to even attempt to resist. He approached her, cupped his cheek for but a second before her lifted her face and lowered his head, capturing her honey sweet lips in his, fully aware of what he had just done. 

Lisa didn't know how to react at first, this was all Harper. He had initiated this, he had brought his lips to hers. She closed her eyes and did what every instinct within her every being told her to. She wrapped her arms around his neck and balled her fists into his soft hair while his hand moved to the back of her head and pushed their lips together with more force.

Harper had never felt a need quite as strong as he did now. He felt the desire spread throughout his body and knew Lisa would not be leaving this room until her whole body had been enveloped in his own scent. She was now his and she would not belong to anyone else, no one else would have the privilege of tasting her golden lips, soft as they are.

The hand that had been resting on her head now travelled down to her back, lifting her up with a gasp which Harper took full advantage of, pursuing her tongue with her own as he got to taste the warmth and absolute brilliance of her mouth. 

Heat surrounded the two and Lisa could have sworn she appeared to look like one of those girls in movies when the wind swept up their hair and it waved around their heads, a halo of pure golden locks. 

Harper could feel the energy being exchanged between the two and it felt like pure electricity was travelling through the both of them.

Finally, when Harper could feel her losing breath, he pulled away, creating little space between the two, just enough for her to catch her breath, but close enough to be sure she wouldn't be moving away from him.

"I could not walk away from you now even if I had a knife to my chest. You've trapped me in a cage far too small to even attempt to escape." He breathed.

A small smile began to creep upon Lisa's face which soon transformed into the brightest smile he had seen on her since he had met her. 

Lisa pulled the boy to her and hugged him to her, assuring herself that he was real and in every way hers. 

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