Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Harper knew what he had to do next, it was inevitable. He could not deny it nor could he avoid it.

This would be his last night beside Lisa, his last time being with her in this way, holding her while she rested her eyes with soft little breaths that seemed to lull him to sleep himself. He would allow his body to sleep had his mind not been so occupied by the painful thoughts that were seared into his mind.

Lisa's body contorted and spasming on the ground. That's how the angels killed their last victim, they made Michael suffer to realise his mistake. Harper already knew his mistake, she was laying beside him, tucked into his chest where she fit perfectly as if they were made for each other.

But what a lovely mistake he had made, so filled with life. She was the face of beauty to him, everything that could be classed as beautiful looked bland in comparison. He could see nothing but her eyes, her lips, her face when he closed his eyes.

He had not yet slept a wink and as the light of the new day streamed through the window he knew that had been a bad mistake due to what is to come. 

Lisa stirred beside him, moving closer to him as she clung to his shirt. Harper couldn't resist the urge to pull her even tighter to him, kissing her head lightly and hearing a sigh of contentment escape her sweet lips.

Last night had been a perfect example of why Harper should never have befriended Lisa. Raphael had tried to convince Harper otherwise and Harper had proven him wrong. Lisa had openly questioned him, her theories had ranged and if she had just accidentally slipped the word 'angel' into her theories, her life would have been over. There was no denying it. 

So as Harper moved away from Lisa, he did the only thing he knew would save her life and let her live a life free of any harm. He pulled on his loose jeans and the T-shirt he wore the day before and started for the door. 

Briefly, he turned to look at her, sprawled on her bed, clutching the pillow he had put beside her in his wake. She looked so peaceful and innocent, content with life, happy knowing he was by her side. 

He considered staying, letting her have that happiness he saw the last morning she had awoken to his face, he wished to just go lie back down and pretend his thoughts of leaving were exactly that, thoughts. 

But he turned the doorknob and slowly descended down the stairs, the whole house still eerily silent with its sleeping tenants. As he got to the door, the creaking of the wooden floor brought his attention from the door and forced him to turn around.

Miles stood there, half asleep still as he rubbed his eyes but kept them directly on Harper.

"What are you doing?" He mumbled, his voice low as to not wake anyone else.

"Proving you right." Harper walked out the door, away from everything that had filled his life with a sense of purpose again.

He walked back over the park, remembering the first time he and Lisa had gone there as friends. Everything had been different, then they hadn't had the complication of a relationship, they had simply enjoyed each other's presence without the fear of repercussions.

He walked into the door at Gladis, it was still early so the woman was still fast asleep. He went to his bedroom and got changed into his work clothes before walking back out the house towards the little storage compartment Gladis had on the side of the almost newly restored house. He had gone to buy some new wood and varnish, knowing that any visitor to come to Gladis' would find that creaky step both hazardous and annoying.

He went back to the step with a large sledge hammer and with every ounce of his inhuman strength, slammed the large hammer onto the damn creaky wooden step, snapping it directly in half and leaving small, astray splinters sprayed on the floor around him. He then looked at the other steps, feeling his blood boil.

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