Chapter One (edited)

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The strong scent of alcohol burned in Harper's nostrils as he entered the bar. He knew all too well that eyes would begin to travel to him. Not for the reason that he is different, no, it was the fashion he had decided to acquire for the night.

He thought back on his actions, had he struck the man too hard? No, he was sure he had simply knocked him out. He had taken the drunken man's clothes and wrapped his own body with them. Loose jeans and a flannel shirt, he couldn't say he enjoyed the choice of clothing, but it hid his wings and that was all he could ask for.

As he entered, the room lapsed into silence as gazes travelled to him, like moths to a flame. 

Casually, he walked to a lone booth and seated himself there. This had been his first human experience and so far it had him wanting to retreat back to the hill and indulge in the silence it offered along with the smell of fresh leaves when he woke in the morning.

Murmurs started up again as the attention was lifted from him. He sighed in relief and awaited the waitress who was eyeing him with curiosity and awe. 

It came as no surprise to him that women would think of him as attractive, he had the angelic looks of innocence, yet the strong-built frame of a warrior as well. He knew he could lure women, not that he had ever tried, he had just never felt a pull or attraction to the opposite sex. They were merely there for him.

As the waitress approached, Harper took note on the way her hips swayed from side to side, emphasising her curves that she flaunted his way. Any other male would be drooling at her feet, he, however, simply looked up at her with the blankest of expressions, placing his order of a portion of hot chips he had seen on the menu and a drink of water.

The waitress, with her dazzling light brown eyes, eyed him a moment longer before rushing to put the order in, leaving Harper sitting in the booth in solitude again. Just the way he liked it.

The smell was still attacking his sense of smell, he wondered for a moment if he would ever forget the dense tangy smell in this place, he hoped he would, he promised himself he wouldn't enter again if it were up to him.

For a while he simply listened to the conversations around the room, catching every scrape of news floating across this town. 

Apparently just yesterday a boy was caught shop lifting cigarettes in order to impress his friends, he had been charged and was now spending time in a cell for five days. 

Another conversation was about a woman committing adultery against her husband, he had found out and was now ravage in despair. 

These humans thought so little of marriage in modern times, divorce was dominant in the world. If they have not truly found their 'other half', why try settle for second best? Harper had never found any interest in a woman, but if he had, he would never settle for second best.

He, however, would not have a problem in that department. Long ago he had closed his heart to any love related topics. He was cold as ice and that's exactly how he would prefer it. Never would he let a woman infiltrate his sanctuary of solitude. He enjoyed being alone, it meant no harm to him or anyone else.

He was brought out of his thoughts by the bowl of steaming fries being placed before him and his glass of water stood there perfectly with the straw leaning to the side.

"Would you like anything else?" The brown-eyed waitress leaned forward slightly, using her upper arms to expose her cleavage under her shirt.

"No." Harper spoke, his voice gruff with frustration over the interruption of his thoughts.

Hearing the withdrawal in his tone and that expressionless face, the waitress stuck her chin up high and retreated to tend to other costumers with her pride still fully in tact.

Harper soon started to eat what he had ordered, finding it bland compared to the nectar of fruits he had tasted in his past life, recalling the taste and sneering at what he was eating now, thinking how much vegetable oil must have been used to produce these.

Suddenly he didn't feel so hungry. Pulling out a twenty dollar bill Harper had found in the flannel shirt, he placed it on the table and walked out the door.

For a while Harper just walked around the town, taking note of the small things he had missed while perched on the hill. 

There were small designer boutiques where girls could spend their money. Candy's Corsets was still open as he walked past it, a few shoppers still lingered in the shop, not buying anything just simply interested in what's on offer.

For an instant his gaze locked on a girl in the store, eyes so blue they almost turned violet in the light. 

He pulled away from her gaze as fast as possible, picking up his pace to get away from that store. There was something that had kept him frozen for a moment there and he would be damned if that happened again.

It was then that he walked directly into someone, he could tell the impact had injured them as he gazed down at the fragile old lady lying before him.

Mumbling something incoherently, she started getting up before crumpling back down to the floor in pain.

Looking down at the woman, Harper felt a clenching in his heart. He leaned down, wiping the tangled tendrils of grey hair away from her forehead, gazing into her diluted brown eyes which were pleading with him for some form of help.

"Where does it hurt?" He kneeled down before her, slipping his arms under her small frame, lifting her up with ease.

She simply moaned in protest of him moving her, providing no indication where her pain was coming from.

"Take me home." She murmured, her voice just audible for human ears.

Harper nodded, letting her guide him to her home. He walked around town, surprised when her small house was located dead-set in the middle of town. A small cottage just big enough to house two people. It had as small rose garden growing in the front, a white picket fence travelled around the house and the porch had a small bench just big enough for two people to be displayed on it. 

The house itself looked like it had seen better days with chipping paint on the walls, the door having a large crack down the middle and the windows mucky with dust. 

Opening the gate, Harper walked the woman to her door, allowing her to open it before he carried her to her room which happened to be the farthest room from the door in her house.

He laid her down on the bed and almost started for the door when the old woman's whisper called him back. 

He turned, waiting for her last words before his retreat.

"There's a bedroom down the hall, boy. You can stay there for the night, no need for you to be wondering the streets knocking down more elderly people." She coughed once more before resting her head on the feathered pillow and dozing off to sleep peacefully.

For a moment Harper considered refusing the offer, but upon realising he had nowhere else to stay he went in search for the room and found it.

It was small, but livable. He looked around, noticing the small television in the far right corner on what looked to be a coffee stand. Beside the television was a set of drawers and in the middle of the room was a double bed with satin bedding and the same down feather pillow placed on it.

Forgetting about the look of the room, Harper removed his pants staying in only his boxers, keeping his shirt on to ensure no exposure in case the kind woman came to check on him.

He laid himself down on the bed, closed his eyes and entered a sleep state where he would not dream.

Hope you enjoyed :)

Really getting into this story, liking it a bit more than my others 

Pic on the side is of Harper, Shiloh Fernandez, but I picture him to be slightly hotter I think, I don't know aha

Comment and votes please xx 

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