Chapter Twenty-Six

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"You know you can lie closer if you want." Harper's distance making Lisa feel cold and uncomfortable.

"I don't want to disrespect your parents." He wanted so much to lie beside her, to encase her in his arms where he knew she would be safe.

"My mom's fine with you being here." Lisa moved closer herself, the distance still too far for her liking, she wanted to feel the sparks that always seemed to explode between them when flesh touched flesh, it lit her whole body and made her feel a new kind of freedom she was yet to discover.

"It's not your mother I am concerned about." 

He saw her pleading eyes and instantly complied, moving into the middle of the bed and lying beside her, bringing her into his arms and inhaling her sweet scent. 

He was also all too aware that she was only wearing a singlet and shorts to cover herself, the feel of her skin against his making him feel whole in a way he had not known. Every part of his body yearned for him to pull her closer, to mould their bodies into one and never have them separated. It felt as if she were another limb, one that would stop his heart if she were to be removed.

Lisa snuggled closer to Harper, inhaling his musky, almost woodland scent. His skin was still so pale in contrast to her own, she held her arms between their chests and noticed a light scar that travelled from his shoulder blade to his chest. 

Curiosity getting the best of her, she traced the scar using his finger, feeling his body stiffen by her movement. She looked up at him, her face a mask of innocence. 

His was that mask of no emotion as he took hold of her wrist and brought it to rest on his cheek. 

The rough stubble of a beard poked at Lisa and she almost giggled at the way his face softened when his eyes connected with hers. By now she knew she had him wrapped around her fingertips, the thing she feared most though, is that he had her the same way.

"You need to shave." She whispered, feeling his body tense even more as her warm breath his his exposed skin.

He nodded, swallowing a lump. Lisa almost giggled again at his face, now contorted into a look of fear as he stared right ahead avoiding her gaze.

She decided then to take advantage of the fire she had started, tracing his jawline with the hand he had put on his cheek. She trailed it down his jawline to his chin, travelling down to his neck where she lifted her head and placed a soft, lingering kiss, towards his collarbone, all the while tracing kisses and hearing the restrain in his breathing which had now become ragged and husky.

"Lisa, stop." His voice was thick with lust, she smile as her kiss was placed on his shoulderblade.

She shook her head teasingly, her hand now travelling to his chest where she kissed, lingering a little longer before looking up at him, her eyes expectant.

"You need to stop." He grunted.

"Why?" She smirked, her kisses now going back up as her lips followed her hand.

Harper could feel everyone of her kisses breaking him down, his body set on fire by the closeness of her body with his. He could barely control himself, his breathing had become almost impossible with this girl tempting him in a way she shouldn't.

He was moments away from losing whatever self control he had left if he didn't stop this.

"Lisa, no." He said, his voice husky, the affect her kisses had on him.

Her lips were inches away from his, he knew if he kissed her now he would be completely under her spell, he would do anything for her.

He jumped away from her, getting off the bed and putting space between the two. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to get a grip of his willpower that had slipped away briefly before he jumped away. 

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