Chapter Twelve

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"So what are you guys now? Together? Secretly dating?" Chantelle averted her eyes to Harper as she earned a glare from Lisa. "Friends with benefits?" A mischievous smile made its home on her face.

"Friends!" Lisa yelled, throwing her novel she had been reading at her friend's back. By now she had turned a bright red of embarrassment due to her friend's words.

Harper simply stood by the window of Lisa's room, watching the girls bicker as they did occasionally. He had been coming over as often as possible. Yes, he still considered staying away, then he remembered her broken face and those tear stained cheeks and he simply couldn't bare the pain he saw in her eyes. It was true, he cared more than he would like to admit, he didn't want to see this blonde-haired girl unhappy.

Lisa had school, meaning he only got to see her in the afternoons. She never spoke about her days at schools, just informing her of the amount of homework she had and that she hated to have him wait around for her, but she needed to complete it. Harper didn't mind, he enjoyed just having the time to analyse her while she worked. With the wrinkled nose when she couldn't solve an equation or the way she chewed her cheek slightly when something was really frustrating her.

Chantelle was the same, except she had the frown line inching on her forehead, every day growing deeper and deeper. She seemed to fidget with her hands when she got something wrong, nudging Lisa to have a look.

She would always have a smirk in place though, every time her eyes met Lisa's it was like and internal conversation the two were having, Harper felt excluded somewhat but said nothing.

"Well I'm done!" Chantelle announced, sitting up from her lying position and crossing her legs while firmly setting her gaze on Harper.

He smiled to her. He had not felt any attachment to this girl, but Lisa cared for her so he would try to be polite. He had noticed he had let a few things slip when it came to Lisa's happiness, yes it still often frustrated him but ignoring the frustration and earning and bright smile, he managed to get through the day.

"I still have calculus." Lisa groaned, looking to Harper for help.

He was smart, he had helped her in the last two weeks a lot, he was the reason she passed her science test just the other day. 

"No, you'll figure it out on your own." Harper nodded at her to turn to her books.

"Why do I have to when I have you?" She whined, but nevertheless, turned her head to her books and continued her studies.

Chantelle had stayed quiet, not making a single remark about the two. That surprised Harper, Chantelle had always made remarks about the pair, usually sexual ones but some just inappropriate.  

Harper looked to her and found her looking at Lisa with a look of bliss on her face.

Chantelle could feel Harper's eyes on her and she was glad, she wanted to show him how much she appreciated what he was doing for Lisa. She hadn't seen the girl this happy since the last visit from her family two months ago.

She always seemed to talk about him now, not romantically, but Chantelle could see the longing in her friend's eyes at the mention of his name, but with a glint in her eyes that was undeniably meant for him.

He had gone to the bonfire as promised but Harper hadn't fit in, Lisa had stuck with him the whole night but he felt the glares shot at him by Austin and other boy who attended her school. He didn't care, there was honestly nothing any other those boys could do to harm him so he didn't feel threatened. Jamie had been friendly as usual, but had stayed with his friends, nudging them now and then to avert their eyes from mentally harrassing Harper any further.

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