Chapter Twenty

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Chantelle didn't remember much about the party, only that she woke up the next morning with Cole asleep beside her and Austin asleep on the floor beside the bed. This was normal for her, she had never slept with Cole, she had just always fell asleep in his bed. He always drove her back to his house to get her sober but she would fall asleep. That's why she loved the boy, he cared enough to take care of her in a way none of the other two ever had, even Jamie.

Jamie had really annoyed Chantelle at the party. He had stuck with his bunch of girls, a smirk constantly in place when their eyes had met, Chantelle grimacing at Bianca, Kaitlyn's friend, constantly clinging to Jamie as if he were her life support. Didn't the girl know about personal space! 

Chantelle had refrained from kissing Tyson that night every time he leaned close to her, knowing that she would be crossing a line. She could not give him the wrong idea, it was sad of her to admit, but her lips were reserved for one very idiotic jerk who couldn't keep his hands to himself.

So after another five minutes of dancing with Tyson, she pushed him away slightly to go in search of Cole, who, to no surprise, was found in the kitchen doing shots with Austin at his side and Will mixing the drinks.

Well if she was going to have fun, she might as well do it properly. After those shots the night had blurred past her until now, where she found herself lying beside the boy she could claim to be her brother.

She sat up with a groan as a mother of a headache collapsed upon her, almost sending her falling right back onto the bed where she could curl up and sleep for a few more hours. But she had to get home, for one, her mother wouldn't want her home later and for another, she couldn't stand to be in the same room as Austin, let alone have him wake up with her there. 

Austin had scared her last night, he had always kept such control but seeing Lisa with Harper must have been hard if he found the need to force himself onto her.

She ignored that as she jumped off the bed right onto a figure Chantelle was not used to being there. She looked down to see a groaning Jamie roll onto his side in pain and quickly came to the realisation that she had stepped on him.

She pranced away from him and let him recover before she knelt down beside him and examined whether or not she had seriously hurt him.

"Jamie." She whispered, keeping her voice low as to not to wake the others.

He groaned inwardly before opening one eye at her a smirk forming on his lips. Chantelle rolled her eyes and began to get up before feeling that familiar tug on her arm.

"Thought you went home with Bianca?" She glared down at him, standing up again and yanking her arm from his hold.

"Why? Would you be jealous?" Jamie stood up, winking at her.

"Jealous consists of having to care somewhat, I do not." Chantelle picked up her shoes and dress. She was used to sleeping in Cole's T-shirts when she was around, he always gave her one.

"Come on, Chant, why you always have to be so mean?" Jamie caught up to her as she got to the front door.

"Why do you have to be such a player? All questions with lost answers." She faked a smile and turned back to walking out the door.

"Chantelle." Jamie grabbed her arm again, his eyes turning completely serious this time. "There's only one girl out there for me."

"I know." Chantelle looked at his hand on her arm, Lisa's face flashing across her face.

She almost let his touch envelope her, almost. But she moved away from him, creating a space she knew would grow now between them. He knew she knew about Lisa and his secret attraction for her, so for her to stay and witness his shock would be pointless.

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