Darkleer x reader

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You had no idea how you got stuck with the Darkleer. Something happened and you lost your memory, that's as far as you knew. Thankfully, it wasn't a bad thing at all.

Sure, he was taller then you by at least two feet (or more...) and could scare you shitless thanks to his enormous amounts of strength. But this was the same Darkleer who held his face close to yours so you could nuzzle him (he didn't want to hurt you by trying to nuzzle your face) and made you robots that did a number of things to see your reaction. In front of other Trolls, you were a thing to be commanded and laughed at (which usually wasn't that bad. It was usually just being in their presence that made them laugh). Behind their backs and hive-doors, however, he was an absolute sweetheart.

You still missed home sometimes. Missed waking up in the morning and seeing mom cook breakfast. Watching dad stumble downstairs to get his cup of coffee to wake up fully. Even missed your annoying brother/sister who would poke fun at your choice of clothing. You'd wake up from dreams about home with tears in your eyes and the Darkleer's hand over you, his way of offering comfort without the fear of squishing you.

He once offered you the chance to go back home. You didn't understand his language much, so he used simple pointing. You. Earth. Picture of happy family. Repeat. Once it sunk in, you were a little happy at first. Seeing your family again... It was the small frown on his face and the burning feeling of 'wrong' that made you doubt going back home at all. You looked up at him, doubt and worry lining your features. He put his hand near you and you cuddled up to it. What to do...

It took awhile to figure out what you wanted, but you ended up making a letter. One for mom, another for dad, and one for your sibling. Darkleer had been in a sulky mood up until you showed him the letters and pointed to the picture of a happy family he had up still. It took various versions of 'send letters to family, not me' before he got the idea and got to work on something to send the letters to them.

When the letters finally got sent off to the right place (many test runs were done with some pretty funny results), everything felt better. The weight and homesickness left you and the blueblooded Troll you were stuck with was back in his normal moods (aka he wasn't being sulky).

While the Darkleer napped on the floor, you laying on top of him, back on his chest, you looked up at the ceiling with a smile. With a little help from the Troll himself, some various paints, and a basic understand of quadrants, you'd made him a little gift. A red heart with little floating heads that resembled you and him, both smiling shyly and blushing their respective blood colors. Matespriteship, his quadrant you had apparently filled.

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