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~Felix and A maid wall in. Felix was wearing a nice black suit with a royal blue tie. His head up high with his blue crown. "Jack today the big day, get ready."

~Jack rub his eyes "I know but where Mark?" Felix smiles "He is in another room getting ready for your big day."

~"Oh ok." Jack said with a smiles. The maid gave Jack his royal wedding suit. Jack grab it and smiles "I be ready."

~Felix and The maid smile and left. Jack quickly tools a shower and thought of Mark.

~Mark was blushing his hair and was all ready. He look himself in the mirror "Not bad. But I bet Jack will look real adorable."

~Jack finish his shower and put the Royal suit on. Jack blush his hair and look himself in the mirror. "Hmm... not bad."

~Soon Jack heard a knocked and turn to say "Come in!" The door opens and it was Jack mother.

~Jack mom was in a beautiful yellow dress. Jack mom look at Jack in his wedding suit.

~Jack mom look at Jack "Jack...My little Jack." Jack mom face ran down with tears.

~"You grew up so much! And today is your big day! I'm so proud of you!" Jack mom said while on the bed.

The Prince And The Thief ♛Septiplier♛Where stories live. Discover now