Chapter 42- Babies Firsts

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Kendra P.O.V: I'm 9 weeks now when it hits me. I haven't told my parents neither has Niall. I grab my cell and dial my moms number. "Hello." she said. "Hey!" I say. "How are you?" she asks. "Good you?" I reply. "Good. Are you ok?" she asks. "Yes ma'am. I just miss you. Want to meet me for lunch?" I ask. "Yes. Sound fun!" she replies. "When and where?" she asks. "Um Nandos at 1?" I ask. " Sounds good." she replied.
A few hours later I meet my mom at Nandos. When I get there she's waiting for me. "Hey mum!" I say hugging her. "Hey Kendra! How are you?" she asks smiling. "Good, you?" I reply. "Great." we make small talk as we order. My mom orders then I order. I order more than she does and when the waiter leaves the table she's looking at me weird, but she doesn't say anything. I take a deep breathe before saying "I'm pregnant." "Oh my gosh!" my mom says jumping up and coming to hug me. I smile and hug her. We spend the rest of the day together.
That night I make Niall call his parents. When his mum finds out she's shocked then really happy. I'm glad. She says that she'll visit as soon as possible to see us. His brother and dad are shocked and say that they can't believe Little Nialler is growing which causes him to blush. In the end everyone tells us congrats.
Da'Cia P.O.V: Kendra is now 5 months pregnant and it's to funny watching her try to get up off the couch like right now. "What do you need?" I ask trying not to laugh. She is a bit bigger for six months and people usually ask her how far she is and when she tells it they're surprised. "Nothing.. gotta pee.." she says glaring. I nod. As of now the babies are 10 months. Kendra has been holding Kaylan and when she sits her down and starts walking I gasp when Kaylen starts crawling behind. I grab my cell and record it."Kendra look!" I say. She looks at me and I point to the floor. "When did she start crawling?" Kendra asked. "Just now." I reply. Kendra smiles. She looks at Kaylen and sighs. "Kaylen Boo, I'll get you in a second!" Kendra says in that British accent that causes me to shake my head. Kendra turns and runs to the bathroom and Kaylen starts crying. I laugh then say " Kaylen Boo come to mommy!" Kaylen looks at me but crawls over. pick her up and kiss her. She stops crying but when Kendra comes over to pick her up Kaylen hold her arms up. I pass her and laugh. Kendra sits down and starts eating some ice cream and also giving some to Kaylen.
The babies are 9 months old when Kaylen says "Dada" for the first time luckily Zayn was there. The smile on his faces was perfect. Kellan's first word is "mama" and he says it when he's 11 months old.
*Babies are one*
Da'Cia P.O.V: The day the babies turn one I'm so happy. I'm also wanna cry because they are getting so big. I can't believe I've made it a year raising twins. When I first found out I was pregnant I was worried about what everyone was thinking and just being pregnant at 17, now I could care less of what people think about me having kids and I worry about them. The twins first birthday party is here in Bradford at Zayn's and mine mansion. The twins are on the floor playing as people arrive. So far all the guys, Kendra, Sara, Ed Sheeran, Olly Murs, Josh Devine, Zayn's family, Mine/Kendra's family are here. I hear the door ring and when I open it and Lou and Lux are standing there. I smile. "Hey come in!" I say. Lou enters when Lux sees the twins she runs to them I laugh. "How are you?" Lou asks. "Good. You?" I reply. "Good." she says. We talk and she sits down the present she's been holding. She then walks over to where everyone else is standing. I hear a knock at the door and when I open it my mouth falls. "Hey." a female voice says. "Hey.." I reply. "I'm in town and heard that today is the MalikBabies birthday so.. here.." she says handing me a bag. I take it slowly. "Wanna come in?" I ask. "No, but tell Zayn.. I said hey." she says and gives me a hug. She turns around and walks away. I close the door as Zayn walks over.
"What wrong love?" Zayn asks seeing the confused look on my face. "Um.. Perrie was just here.. she said hey." I say as I walk to where everyone is still holding the bag. I sit it down when the twins hold their arms up at me. I pick them up and kiss them. Everyone is having fun and are playing with the babies but the twins are paying attention to Lux. It's to cute. The party has been going on for almost two hourse when I decide to cut their cake. It's a half blue half pink Wow Wow Wubzy birthday cake that has their names on it their age, that Sara made. They also each had their own small cake. Kaylen's was pink with Winnie Pooh on it and Kellan's was a Blues' Clues cake. I walk in the dinning room with the cakes and sit them down. "Come on. Time for cake!" I say. I roll my eyes when no one comes and walk in and see everyone talking while the twins and Lux watch Max and Ruby. I smile. "Y'all want cake?" I say. Lux gets up. "Cake!" she says. I smile. "Go tell your mama!" I say. She runs to Lou as I walk to the twins. I pick them up and walk back to the dinning room. After everyone is in their we sing and Zayn and I help them blow the candles. I smile when Kellan grabs a handful of cake and Kaylen won't. I let her watch Kellan and when he eats some his face lights up. "Is it good?" I say laughing. Sara, Kendra and Lou are all laughing. After I take some icing from Kaylen's with my finger and eat it she does some. First just with her finger then slowly with her hand. Zayn is taking pictures because he knows if he doesn't then I'll hurt him. Once the babies are eatting I cut the other cake after telling Sara how much I loved it. "Will you do one for Lux's next birthday?" Lou asks. "And one for Connor or Olivia's first birthday!" Kendra asks. Sara smiles. "I'd love to! And love both names!" she says.
After everyone eats it's time to open the presents. As Zayn places the presents I open the one from Perrie while no one is looking. I gasp. There are two teddy bears. The pink one says KayBear, I'm a Malik Baby! and the blue says KelBear, I'm a Malik Baby! on the left foor of each I see #MalikBabies. I smile they are so cute. I see a note at the bottom and quickly read it.
"I bet you're surprised that I showed up.. I am to. I was planning on crashing the wedding, but I have no reason to. I hated you (Da'Cia) for a while but I got over it. I hated you because I said you stole Zayn from me when you didn't we were done way before you got pregnant and everything but I wanted to blame our break up on you. I'm sorry and don't worry about the wedding I won't crash it you both should be happy. I wanted to say congrats and Happy Birthday to the twins. Hope they like the bears. ~Perrie"
I finish reading the letter as Zayn calls my name. "Where did those come from?" Zayn asks pointing to the bears. "Perrie." I say. I see a shocked look on everyones face but I shrug and say "Let's open the presents!" I say. I sit the twins in front of me and Zayn passes me a present. I help them open their stuff and they end up with a lot of toy and some clothes. Zayn brings in my favorite present from us. The babies look at it. I smile. It's something simple a wagon. Zayn also got them some little power wheel type things but I like this one. I sit them down on the floor and walk to it. "Look what mommy and daddy got y'all!" I say. I hear Zayn chuckle. Kellan starts crawling to it but Zayn stops her. Kellan tries but Zayn stops him. I smile when he stands them up. "If you want the new toy you have to walk to mommy!" I say. Kaylen falls to the floor and starts crying. I can't help but laugh. Kellan watches me and I hold out my hands. He watches for a minute then tries walking. He takes two steps and falls. He gets up and falls again. This time when he gets back up he walks to me. I look and thankfully Kendra has been recording. As soon as he gets to me I pick him up and kiss him. He looks at the wagon and I sit him in it. He smiles. I laugh when Lux comes over and starts pulling it.
Ten minutes later Lux is sitting in the wagon with Kellan and Kaylen is still in Zayn's arms when he sits her down. She watches Kellan and Kaylen for a while. I look over at Kendra and she already is recording. After a minute Kaylen tries to walk. She takes three steps and falls. She starts crying but I won't pick her up. She cries for a minute when she gets up. It takes Kaylen three falls when she looks ready to give up. I get her to stand on more time and this time she walks all the way to the wagon. When she gets to it I pick her up and kiss her. I then sit her in it. Zayn smiles. He kisses both of them. "Both walking on the same day." he says. I nod. "Amazing." I say. he smiles. Everyone is saying how good they did. Zayn pulls them in the wagon.
After everyone leaves Kellan and Kaylen play in the wagon for a while. I breast feed them then let them play some more before I put them to bed. They're playing in the wagon when I go to the bathroom. When I get out they're asleep with the bears in the wagon. I smile as Zayn wraps his arms around me and kisses my head. I lean into his touch smiling.

(Forgot to mention.. Kendra is 19 now, Da'Cia is 18 and Sara is 18.5.... Again Mariah Carey's babies)

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