Chapter 35- Truth Always Come Out

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Kendra P.O.V: I tell Da'Cia everything that happened and she's surprised. "Are you ok?" she's asking. I keep saying yes. "I'm gonna kill that two faces skank." Da'Cia says. "No your not." I say. I hear Da'Cia groan and then I hear crying. "You have babies to tend to." I say and hang up. "What the hell was that?" I hear behind. I look to see a very pissed Niall. "She started it by talking trash about Da'Cia." I say. "I don't care who started it Kendra. I thought you were better than that.. I can't believe you stooped that low and were so mean." Niall says. I glare at him. "Whatever Niall.I'm not standing here and listeing to you say that when you don't want to hear what I have to say. If you want to know what happens then I'll tell you but, If you don't whatever."I say
. "I don't care what happened. That's Harry's girlfriend." Niall says. I shrug. "Wow Kendra." Niall says and shakes his head at me. "Don't wow me when she's in their being as fake as they come."I tell him. "Your the one who still out here talking about her. Sarah is in there upset trying to figure out why you don't like her and wondering why you're being so mean. I thought I knew you." Niall tells and looks away from me. "I thought I knew you. I thought you'd actually would want to know what was said to your girlfriend before taking up for another girl. I was wrong. Niall if this is how you're going to act when you don't know what happens.. then we need a break until you actually do figure out how to treat me when I want to tell you what happened. And, you need to go and figure out who that other girl because, she's not who she seems. Go ahead and stick up for her now.. I don't care. Your being just like Louis was that day... You don't know anything." I say and turn and walk away.
I'm not surprised that he doesn't follow. I am surprised when Liam runs to me a few minutes later. "What happened?" he asked. "I'm not saying if your going to lecture me." I reply. "I'm not. Don't worry." Liam replies. I nod. "Sarah asked me a question about this girl who was called whoreish Renee who went to hers and Da'Cia's school. When I told her what I knew she flipped and said that they called her that when she lived in SC because she went by her middle name Renee at the time." I see Liam nod. "Well she then goes on to start talking trash about Da'Cia and we get into an argument when I go to leave she calls her a slut and I tell her off. We go back and forth when I get feed up and slap because she won't stop talking about Da'Cia using Zayn. When she got up she pushed me so I pushed her back and she feel. That when I said about her staying there. She smirked at me then started fake crying." I sum up to Liam who looks shocked. "Oh." is all he says. I nod. Neither of us say anything. My cell goes off. "Hey." I answer. "Tell the guys I'm coming to US. The babies and I are going to the condo. I should be there tomorrow night. Meet me there." Da'Cia says. "Ok?" I say. "Ok. Bye love ya! See ya tomorrow." Da'Cia says and hangs up. After she hangs up I'm trying to figure out how she could still sound so country after being in England that long. I don't say anything. After a few minutes Liam and I walk to the bus. When we get there everyone is looking at me. Sarah is at the back smirking and glaring. "I'm going to bed. Da'Cia said meet her at the condo tomorrow night. I'm staying with her. If you lads can't then that's fine.. I'll get a hotel tonight and meet her tomorrow with out anyone." I say shrugging
*The next night*
Da'Cia P.O.V: I was so happy when I got to the condo. Both of the babies are fussy and I'm not to happy myself. I'm feeding the babies when I hear a knock at the door. I lay them down and answer the door. I smile seeing Kendra. I hug her. Zayn tries to kiss me but I just move. All the lads try to hug me but I won't when Liam goes to hug me Kendra nods and I hug him. I let them all in. Sarah is behind them and I pretend not to notice and close the door in her face. "Sarah's out there." Harry says. "Opps." I reply and open the door. I let her in and walk to the couch where is sitting holding the babies and kissing them. "Are you mad at me?" he asks. "Not just you. But,all of you." I say. All eyes are on me. "You hugged Liam." Louis says. "Yea, and I hugged Kendra. Apparently he's the only one who'd listen to my cousin." I say. It's then that I notice that Niall and Kendra are staying away from each other. It clicks they must've broken up thanks to that skank. I glare at her then look at Kendra. Once I catch her eye Is I look back at Niall then back to her and she nods. "What happened?" I ask her. "You know what happened." she says. I nod. "What did you do.. Renee?" I say. "I don't go by that anymore. I go by Sarah." she says. "Why?" I ask. "You know why. You and your friends started calling me Whoreish Renee.." Sarah says. "Actually..We didn't. Now, I might have said it AFTER you stole my boyfriend but you were being called that when you started opening your mouth." I say. "And you didn't open yours." she says. "Nope." I say. "Oh.. But you did open your legs.." Sarah says smirking. "I had sex one time.. that was with Zayn." I reply. "Hmm, yea right. I'll admit it.. I did a few stupid things but atleast I'm not a closet ho like you." Sarah says stepping closer. "Call me that all you want. I don't care. Don't talk about my cousin or my babies.. because sweetie I don't care who the hell you are or who the hell you dating but, I will beat your ass down." I say looking her dead in the face. "Oh no I'm not scared of you. Or your slutty cousin either." Sarah says. I slap her. She hits me. We're hitting and I punch her when Zayn grabs me. I get out of his grip and look at her. "Now get your slutty, fake, ratchet ass out of my house. If I ever see you and your skanky ass again I will beat it." I say and slam the door dead in her face.

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