Chapter 39- His Shirt- Crazy Mofo

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Da'Cia P.O.V: Kendra and I sat down and started talking about the dress and how I wanted it fitted. I tried to explain it but finally sighed and gave up after 20 minutes. I wanted fitted but movable and so many other things. After a while Kendra had an over all picture drawn and then she started measuring me. It took forever measuring me because I swore that the measures were wrong. Don't get me wrong I'm not fat or anything. After the twins my waist became for noticeable and so did my curves. I also got more boobs while pregnant so now I'm in a DD bra cup. As Kendra finishes measuring me we go over colors for the wedding dress and the trimming and all. I can tell something is up. "What's wrong?" I ask. Kendra shakes her head. "Nothing." she says. I look at her confused. "Something is either up or wrong." I say. Kendra sighs and shrugs. I roll my eyes and glare until she says "Niall and I made love for the first time." my mouth fell open. "Wait, what? when?" I ask. Kendra's face is red as she looks down. "Last night." she says and stops talking. "Continue!" I say crossing my arms waiting.
Kendra P.O.V: I smile. "You know how I've been wanting that for a long time, but at the same time not because I was scared?" I say only giving her time to nod. "Well yesterday I was out looking at some material and stuff to show you for today and when I got home he had pink rose petals leading from the door to our room. You know how much I love those. Well, when I got upstairs Niall was shirtless and was in those dark colored skinnies I die when I see him in. When I walked in the room before I could say anything Niall came to me and took my hand and led me to the bed. He then told me to change into something more comfortable so I put on his Crazy Mofo shirt and I don't know why but he loved it on me." I say and pause for a second. Da'Cia looks ready to go crazy if I don't finish. I roll my eyes and say "Um, with your dress i think-" I wasn't able to finish talking because I was hit in the head with a pillow. "What the?" I say. "I'm a Crazy Mofo now continue before I throw some scissors at you." Da'Cia said. I just nod. "So after I changed into the shirt Ni told me to lay down on my stomach. When I said why he said because he was going to give me a massage. So I did. OMG! He gave me the best one I've ever had and I had a professional one done before. Well by then I was going crazy. I mean Niall shirtless jeans massage.. So when he moved a little I quickly turned over so now he was hovering above my front. He was so surprised. I smiled and sat up to kiss him and he knew what I wanted but he was being an arse and got up. When I was trying to decide what to say he laid down and pulled towards him. We kissed softly and stuff at first but Niall apparently wanted more to and then the kiss got heated quick. Soon hands were every where and lips. Let's just say it was WOW! He made sure not to hurt me to." I say. "Awww!!!" Da'Cia said. I smile and nod. "I know right." We talked for a while when Niall walked in with a certain shirt on. "Please tell me y'all washed that thing." Da'Cia said. I laughed. "Nope." I say. The look on her face was priceless. "Yes I did." I say and she nods. When I look at Niall in that shirt my face goes red. "So, take it you know." Niall says to Da'Cia who just nods. We talk a little longer before Da'Cia leaves.
Da'Cia P.O.V: I laughed when I got home and saw Zayn asleep with the babies on him on one couch and Liam and Louis together on the other. I snap a picture and post on twitter. I get the babies and lay them down before changing and start working on other wedding plans.So far I have Kendra as the maid of honor. Zayn's sisters as bridesmaids.. I have no life. The twins as a flower girl and ring barer. Zayn can't decide who will be his best man and I can't blame him but, since Kendra is my maid of honor it'll probably will be Niall. I know the colors will be dark almost hot pink a light pink and white. I smile. So far we're getting there.
*3 months later*
Da'Cia P.O.V: I put the babies in their car seats and Zayn grabs the diaper bags for me. It's been 2 months since the measurements and Kendra has been coming over to the house anytime we wanted to see each other and plan. Zayn told me that him and the guys were going to a "football" game today. So I have the babies. Zayn kisses me and them one more time before we leave. I head to Kendra's. "Ello'z" I say when I arrive and she lets me in. "Hey." she says then goes for the babies. They're seven in a half months old. After 10 minutes Kendra takes me to the dress. She's got a good bit done already.. a whole lot more than I would've. "It looks so good already." I say. Kendra smiles. "Really?" I nod. "Yea!" I say she smiles and hugs me. I get up and grab a soda and turn and ask Kendra if she wants one. "No.. Can't drink to many." she says. "Why?" I ask. If she says another diet for the wedding I'll kill her. She shrugs. I grab a pepsi and just as I get a mouthful Kendra says "I'm pregnant." I spit every where. "Hold up. You're pregnant." I say. Kendra nods. "Oh my gosh! Congrats!" I say going and hugging her. She smiles. "How far?" I ask. "6 weeks." she says. I smile. Wait. I start doing the math in my head. "That means you're due about.." I say. "The time of your wedding." Kendra replies. I nod. She smiles. "Have you told Niall?" I ask. She shakes her head no. Kendra shows me her under shirt that says "Crazy Mofo with Child." written on it. I smile. "When ya telling him?" I ask. "Today." she says I nod. My cell goes off.
"Hello!" I answer. "Babe, Harry tried to kill himself, get to the hospital asap." Zayn's frantic voice says in my ear. my mouth falls open. He gives me all the information quickly and hangs up. "Harry tried to kill himself." I tell Kendra and her mouth falls open. "Come on." I say and grab the babies. We arrive at the hospital 5 minutes later. When we get in there Harry in unconscious. "We missed all the signs." Louis says. I nod in agreement. The twins are asleep luckily. "The past few months he's been sad, and distant.. and he misses her." I say they all nod. "He needed us." Kendra says. We all murmur in agreement. I watch the machine and the line on it is small showing Harry breathing is off. I look him over trying to see what was wrong when Liam says "pill and alcohol." I nod. "Harry tried to kill himself.." I say. "Almost died." Louis says. "Your pregnant!" I hear Niall say out of no where. Just before I can say anything to Kendra I notice her shirt is still showing. Kendra nods and Niall faints. I groan. "This is just great.. Harry and Niall are unconscious. Niall because you're pregnant and Harry because he tried to kill himself and almost succeeded." I say in a sarcastic way without meaning to.

What's Two MoreOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora