Chapter 1- Fangirl

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Da'Cia P.O.V: "Da'Cia go your ass to bed!" I hear my mom call. It's 4 am and I'm on my lap top doing nothing except reblogging pictures of One Direction and listening to Take Me Home. When you're a 16yr old Directioner and have hardly any friends you'll under stand. As I scroll down my new feed on facebook I see some one posted a link to a gif and I click it. When the gif opens I gasp because it's a hot picture of Zayn Malik shirtless, pants low on his hips with his v showing. After a second it finishes loading and Zayn is thrusting. I start fanning myself trying not to shriek at it.
I hear my door open and my mom is their. "Da'Cia, Get off that laptop and go to bed... If you don't that laptop and cell are mine." my mom hisses. I might be 17 but I still live at home and my mom will take my stuff. We aren't poor but we aren't rich and stuff either. We're a normal lil family. "Yes ma'am." I say logging off and putting my laptop up. I look at my mom. She smiles and walks to me. "Night,love ya. Now go to bed." she says and gives me a good night kiss. "Night, I love you to." I tell her. 
Kendra P.O.V: I wake up from my cell ringing. Ugh, Who is calling me at 9 am? "Hi?" I answer half asleep. "Hi Kenzi, I'm gonna be in England in a few days and wanted to see you." I wake up all the way knowing that voice. "LOU!!" I scream in the phone. I hear him chuckle. "Who else!" I hear him say. "Of course I want to see you!" I say. "Well, There's a concert in two days I'll get you tickets and VIP pass if you want to come and hang with me and the lads for a bit." he says. "Of course I want to come! I have one mall favor to ask." I say crossing my fingers. "Yes?" he asks sounding kind of confused. "Well, My cousin is a huge fan and I was wondering if you could get tickets for her to." I said crossing my fingers. "I'll get tickets and passes for both of you." Louis says and I could tell he was smiling through the phone. "Oh my gosh yay thanks Lou!" I say. "Your welcome Kendra. I'll text you the information oh where it's at and all." he says. "Ok, Well by Louie.. Love you!" I say. "Love you to lil sis." he tells me and hangs up. I smile. Louis is like an older brother and I couldn't wait to see him. Hm, Is it bad I can't wait to meet that hot Irish snow flake as well? 
After Louis hangs up I dial Da'Cia's number. She'll be pissed with me all of two minutes. "Hello." I hear and irritated voice answer. "Well hello to you to." I say. I hear her grumble something along the lines of "Do you know what time it is?" I roll my eyes. "Yes, But I also know that once you hear what I have to tell you, you won't care what time it is." I reply. "Yea right." She answers. "Well, I was just calling to tell you that I have tickets for both of us to a 1D concert in two days.. and back stage passes. But, If you don't want to go I'll find someone else." I say. "Wait.. OMG!! HOW,OMG,1D CONCERT,VIP PASSES!! OMG OMG OMG!!" She screams in the phone. "Babe, I'm going to hang up. Call me when you calm down so we can make plans." I say. When she doesn't answer I hang up. I get up and start jumping up and down happy.
Da'Cia P.O.V: I got off the phone and was wide awake. It was now 5am. I started jumping up and down and I screamed. My father burst through my door causing me to jump. "Da'Cia Marie Hail.. What the hell are you screaming about at 5am?" he asked mad. "OMG, Kendra got One Direction tickets and VIP passes to a concert for us.. Can I go please!!!" My father rolled his eyes. "If you shut up and calm down I'll order you a plane ticket when I get up." I nodded. "Thank you daddy!!" I said hugging him. Btw, I'm not a daddy's girl or really a mama's girl. I'm a only child so I kinda get what I want. But, I'm not a brat. My dad leaves and I'm so excited. I tweet and facebook about it! OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!

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