Chapter 16- Back Stage

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  Da'Cia P.O.V: I walk on stage and look down. Zayn takes my hand and leads me to the middle. "This is Da'Cia." Zayn says. The crowd goes crazy. I'm still shaky from what happened before the show. Zayn keep hold of my hand as they start reading some more questions. "What does everyone think the babies are?" someone tweets. "Zayn and I think girl and boy, Liam and my cousin Kendra think boys, and Harry,Louis and Niall think girls." I say. Zayn smiles.
Zayn P.O.V: After Da'Cia says that I place my hand on her stomach and feel the babies kick. I hear a bunch of aww's and stuff and then remember that we were in the middle of a concert. After a few more minutes Da'Cia walks off stage. The rest of the concert goes by in a blur. I keep thinking of kissing her earlier. I surprised both of us when I did it. As the concert ends we head off stage to take photos and stuff. The lads keep asking me if I'm ok and I have no clue why until they say I seemed kind of dazed the whole show. I just nod and say that I have a lot on my mine. They don't say anything else.
Kendra P.O.V: As the concert finishes Da'Cia asks me if I could find Sara. She wants to thank her again. I nod and leave to find her. I see her and a tap her shoulder causing her to jump. "Hey, Da'Cia said don't leave with out saying good bye." I tell her. She smiles and nods and follows me back. When we get back there I see Louis and Niall with some fans who I think look better than I do and I feel jealous. I shake my head. Couldn't my heart and head just shut up for one day. I mean that's all I need is one day..week..month..year.. I watch as they take picture and hug fans before I decide to go out side for a few. I tell Da'Cia then walk out lost in my own world. I don't notice the secret look Louis and Liam are sharing or the smiles and touches they give each other.
Sara P.O.V: After the guys finish everything Da'Cia tells me she'll be back in a second and lead me to Harry. We start talking. Soon we are flirting like crazy. Harry makes me blush so I look down causing my hair to fall in my face. He lifts my head and tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. "You're very beautiful love." he says causing my face to turn a million shade of red. I can't reply. I'm to shy and I'm not a flirt. "Thanks!" I say trying to look back down. "Did I do something wrong?" Harry asks. "No, of course not why?" I ask quickly. "You keep looking away." he says. "I'm sorry..Just not used to cute guys like you actually looking at me twice." I say. "I don't know why a guy wouldn't look at you more than're very beautiful." he says. "You're to sweet." I reply. We start flirting like crazy then. After a while Liam tells Harry it's time to go. He sighs and give me a hug. What I didn't know if he put his number in my cell. I walk over and tell Da'Cia, Kendra and the guys bye before leaving. I can't stop smiling at I leave.
Harry P.O.V: As Sara walked away I couldn't stop smiling. I've never met a girl like her. She's different. Most girls only talked about their friends and what they would think of them being near me but she didn't. We actually have a conversation. Sara is so beautiful and not in that fake kind of beauty but a natural beauty. "Earth to Haz." I hear Louis say. "Yea?" I ask. "I said what did you think of that Sara girl.. but from how you're drooling down your chin we all know." Louis said. "Makin him drool down his chinney chin chin." I hear Kendra and Da'Cia say. I roll my eyes. "Hey beautiful, glad to meet you tonight! Hope we talk some more! ~Haz" I sent before closing my phone.  

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