Chapter 28- Surprise Labor

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Da'Cia P.O.V: I'm 37 weeks pregnant. I've been having braxton hick contractions all the time and constant heartburn. Kendra and I have finished the house and I'm in bed laying down. I feel like an elephant. I know some people think women lie when they says that but, I do. I get up and get dressed. Kendra isn't here so I decide to go out and take a walk. As I walk some people come and just come and touch my belly. "How far along are you" a woman asks. "37 weeks, with twins." I say. She nods. "I can tell, you look ready to pop. You know, that you'll have your hands full with twins. I bet you're to young any way." she says. I just turn and walk away. I seriously was about to slap her. I walk around and go and buy a few things for them.
After buying several things I head back home and get in. Everywhere is hurting and I want to scream. I go and take a bath. After my bath I lay down and fall asleep. I couldn't have been asleep no more than 20 minutes when a sharp pain hits. I breathe but, that doesn't help. I try my best to relax telling myself it's just braxton hicks. It happens several times over the next hour and I know than that I'm having contractions. Tears are running down my face. I grab my cell and call Kendra. "Hello." Kendra answers her cell. "Hey.." I say. "What's wrong?" Kendra asks probably hearing something in my voice. "I'm having contractions." I says. "OH MY!! I'm on my way." she says. Kendra arrives less than ten minutes later. Damn, she must have been speeding. "I'm going to grab your bag." she says. After grabbing my hospital bag we head to the hospital. On our way I want to beat Zayn. He knew I could go into labor any minute but still, he was out there performing. After checking us in the doctor comes to check on me. He smiles and says I'm 3 centi. dilated. He says since I'm having twins and I could dilate quick I can't leave. I grab my cell and call Zayn. He doesn't answer. That's when it hits me, he's in the middle of a concert. Sadly I don't give a shit. I keep calling. I call him at least 4.5 times before he answers. "Love, We're in the middle of a show." he says.
That's all it took. "I could careless. I'm having contractions and I'm stuck in the hospital and you aren't here because you rather perform you can suck it." I say and hang up. I'm so upset. Zayn said he wanted me and them but, now he's choosing his fans. Zayn calls my cell and I don't answer. Kendra answers once she see's I won't. She tells Zayn where we are and stuff. It's about 5 hours before he arrives and I'm having contractions constantly. I won't have an epidural or take anything because I don't trust it. I'm now almost six centimeters. Zayn walks to me and I won't look at him. He doesn't care and sits on the bed beside me. A minute after he sits down a contraction hits and I grab his hand. He tells me he's sorry for not coming and stuff and I know he means it.
I've been in labor 16 hours and still can't push. The doctor comes in a tells me I'm 8 centimeters but I can't start pushing till 10. Zayn has to grab me before I punch the doctor. Now I'm having contraction like clock work. The guys are in here some and other times they aren't. Zayn's mom and sisters have arrived and his mom sits in the room with us. Every time I have a contraction I cuss at Zayn. His mom and Kendra are really enjoying it. Zayn just takes it. I'm eating ice chips and Zayn is wiping my face with a rag.
Once I've been in labor 22 miserable hours the doctor tells me it's almost time to push. I look at him like bitch, you aren't the one who's been in pain for over 22 hours. He smiles and leaves. Zayn's mom asked him about a c-section earlier and I told her I didn't want one. She smiled and nodded in understanding after telling me I'm better than her. Zayn is sitting beside me trying to comfort me. I haven't been able to sleep because of pain but, I'm so tired. The doctor comes back and tells me I'm still only 9. I bite my lip so hard it bleeds. Zayn has me doing that stupid breathing when I look at him and say "Zayn, You can shove that breathing mess up your ass because it doesn't work." he sighs. "I know love." he says and kisses my head. Finally after being in labor for 24 hours it's time to push. Zayn, his mom and Kendra are in the room. As I push I scream! I'm squeezing Zayns hand and Kendras. Before the first baby is born I punch the doctor in the nose. Not to long after that the first one is born. It's a girl the doctor says. I smile. They try to take her away to clean her and stuff but I make them let me hold her first. Five minutes later I'm pushing again. As his head comes out I squeeze Zayns hand so hard I fracture it. The nurse comes over. She tries to make Zayn move but he won't until I get our little boy. As they take the babies out I make his mother and Kendra follow. No chance in hell they will be out of our sight. The doctor checks Zayn then send him out. Zayn kisses me before walking out. I just had our twins..and fractured Zayn's hand..and punched the doctor in the face. Nice right? I lay my head on the pillow while the nurses check on them.

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