Chapter 22- Spying

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Kendra P.O.V: We're on the bus the next day. When I get up early yet again. Since when am I morning person? I get up and notice Louis and Liam not in here. As I get up I hit the bed Da'Cia and Zayn are in causing Da'Cia to wake. Before she says anything I put a finger over my lip and point to the door then to the bed where Liam and Louis weren't anymore. She slowly gets up. I try to get her to lay down all she does is push me over. I sigh. Da'Cia and I get to the door and crack it. We both are very quite. At first you can't see anything them I see Liam and Lou kissing. My mouth falls to the floor and Da'Cia pushes me over. She looks out. We look at each other before looking back out.
I'm bent down so Da'Cia can see over me. We both watch to see what happens. What I didn't expect was for them to break apart and Lou pull Liam on his lap. "I love you!" Louis tells Liam. "I love you to!" Liam replies and kisses him again. It takes everything I have not to scream. After a few more minutes of standing their Da'Cia and I have an unspoken agreement to talk about this later.
Da'Cia P.O.V: The day was awkward. I mean Kendra and I saw Liam and Louis in a heated make out session. I wonder if we stayed longer what would we have seen? I mean.. Kendra and I acted as normal as we could but the guys knew some thing was up. They kept asking and we lied and told them nothing. I look at the time and see only an hour until they guys would be going to get ready for the concert. That had to be the longest hour ever. I couldn't be still for anything. Kendra and I hadn't been able to talk and I knew she was about to flip out just as much as me.
Kendra P.O.V: The lads finally left. We waited a few minutes before I said. "Please tell me that was a nightmare." Da'Cia sighs. "I would love to tell ya that babe.. But it wasn't." she says. "So they're together." I say. "Looks that way." she says. "This is just great.." I reply before Da'Cia can say anything I say "Maybe they were just experimenting." Da'Cia shrugs. "I thought of that earlier. So, Before Louis left I managed to get his cell." she says and holds it up smirking. "You didn't take it." I say and she shrugs. "Well, You want to know if they're together right?" she says. "Yes, But that's wrong." She says. "No, it's wrong if we don't look after I went through the trouble of getting it." she says. I smile. "It's password protected." I say. "Saw him put it in today." she says. I look at her. "Ok, maybe I watched and waited for him to put it in." Da'Cia says. I sigh. I look at her and wait for her to put in the pass word.
Da'Cia P.O.V: I put in the pass word and find Louis and Liams texts to each other. I look at Kendra and see her nod. We both prepare ourselves for this. I hope they aren't together for Kendra's sake..because I might have to beat some English ass. I open the message and start reading the,.
Louis: Hey babe
Liam: Hey to you to
Louis: I wish I could show you how I feel without us being caught
Liam: So do I! But, We can't but I want us to be with each other
Louis: We can
Liam: How?
Louis: Sneaking around
Liam: Are you willing to do that?
Louis: Yes! Any thing to be with you!

I stop reading to make sure Kendra is ok. "Keep reading!" she says. "You sure?" I ask. "Yea." she replies. I nod and start back.
Liam: Ok, When do you want this to begin?
Louis: tonight, meet me in the front at 2 if every one is sleep
Liam: ok

Those texts are from two almost three months ago. We quickly read over them and get to the knew ones.
Liam: Its getting hard to sneak around
Louis: I know
Liam: When are me going to tell every one that Lilo is real?
Louis: I don't know Love..I don't know
Liam: Well you need to decide.. I'm ready
Louis: So am I! But..I don't know how the girls will react..
Liam: I don't know.. but, I want them to know.. I'm tired of sneaking around
Louis: We'll tell them soon I promise! I'd do anything to make you happy!
Liam: I know you would!
Louis: Good! I love you so much! You don't even know!
Liam: I love you to! More than anything!

Kendra P.O.V: Da'Cia finishes reading the text and I have tears in my eyes. At least I know now. "So, Lilo is real." I say. Da'Cia nods. "Lilo is real!" Da'Cia say and right after she says that someone clears their throat. We both jump and look over to see...

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