Chapter 40- New Beginings

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Da'Cia P.O.V: I walk away from the lads and leave the stroller in front of Zayn. I walk to Harry's room door and stand there for a second before going in. When I get in I sit by the bed and take his hand. "You idiot." I say knowing he can't answer. "I should've noticed you're pain instead of worrying about me." I sigh and bite my lip. "Harold Edward Styles, I love ya and that's the only reason I'm going to do this.. but, if you ever do something so freakin stupid again I'll kill ya myself." I tell him wishing he'd answer. Harry doesn't say anything and I knew he wouldn't. I grab his cell and mess with his password several times before it unlocks. I go through it and see the number. I stare at it for a while before I hit dial. "Hello?" I hear a confused voice answer. I hesitate for a second before saying "Sara, It's Da'Cia.. I know we have our own problems and crap but.. can you come to England? Harry is in the hospital." I say. I hear a gasp. " What! What happened?" I hear her say. "Sara. I'm not explaining over the phone. I'm not trying to be mean.. but, just come or don't." I say. "I'll be there..tomorrow. What hospital?" Sara asks. I tell her everything and give her my number and hang up. I can't believe I just gave her permission to be back in our life but, Harry needs her.
*The Next Day*
Sara P.O.V: I arrived in England at 6 am the next morning and was at the hospital by 7. When I got to the floor Harry was on I couldn't stop shaking. As I walked down the hall I saw everyone in the waiting room except for Louis. I was surprised to Da'Cia and Zayn had the twins there. I don't see anyone else but, Da'Cia told me that the guys were having it worked out. I saw a post this morning online saying Harry Styles sick and in the hospital. I'm glad no one except for us were allowed near this side of the hall. When I walked into the waiting room Da'Cia got up and walked to me. " Hey." she said. "Hey. What happened?" I asked. "Follow me." Da'Cia said. As I followed her to the other side of the room I waved and were surprised when every one including Kendra waved back. "The day you and Hazza broke up he started getting depressed. I thought he was just upset because he love ya. Well.. as the months went on, he started distancing himself from us but, none of us really said anything. We were idiots.. to caught up in trying to be happy and stuff to see how upset Haz was. Well lately he's been getting hate for no reason and when Zayn and I really started planning the wedding and Liam and Lou have been so into each other... then Ni has been with Kendra, I guess we were all moving away from him and closer to each other. The other week they guys told Directioner's about Where We Are World tour and that same day some fan told Harry he needs to kill himself and do what's best for everyone.. I guess Harry thought he was doing what was best and he tried to kill himself." Da'Cia told me tears running down her face as she thought of it all. "Oh!" is all I'm able to say. "He misses you. And, he fell hard for you. You need to be here and try to work all this shit out when he wakes." Da'Cia says. I nod. "Don't blame your self." I tell her. Da'Cia shrugs. "I'll show you his room." she says. "Let Lou sit with him for a while. That's his best friend. He needs it." I say. She nods and gives me a small smile. Da'Cia gets up and I follow her to the others. Kendra, Da'Cia and I all tell each other we're sorry for how stupid we were acting. As we sit there I see Kendra's shirt and my mouth falls open. Whoa..
Louis comes out about an hour later. His eyes puffy and red. Liam quickly goes and hugs him. Da'Cia gets up to show me to the room but Kendra stops her and takes me. "Get him to at least squeeze your hand. Please! We can't lose him." Kendra says. I nod. "Ok." I say as Kendra closes the door and head back to the waiting room. I go and sit in the chair by Harry's bed and takes his hand. "Hey HarBear. It's Sara. I bet you weren't expecting me to be here but, you're to special. Da'Cia, Kendra and I apologize to each other and we're trying to get along but, you have to wake up to see it. Haz please wake up! I'll do anything." I say. I sigh. "Do you remember that rap you made for me at the beach? I'll even try to do it if you'll wake. I'm so sorry that we hurt you." I say. As I look over Harry he looks so innocent. I bite my lip as a few tears run down my face. "Harry baby, please.. do anything to show me that there's a chance you'll wake up. I love you so much. I'll do anything for you to wake up." I say and lay my head on the bed.
It's been 10 hrs. I'm still in the chair by Hazza's bed. Da'Cia is sitting on Zayn's lad with the stroller in front of her. Zayn is asleep so are the twins. Niall is on Kendra's lap on the other chair and they're both asleep. Liam and Louis are on the floor cuddled together asleep. I keep trying to get Hazza to squeeze my hand but he won't. "Hazza please wake up! I love you." I say. I look around then back at the bed. "We all love you." I tell him. I kiss him head and squeeze his hand. "HarBear.. What will it take for you to wake up." I say and squeeze my eyes shut willing myself not to cry. I start crying anyway. As I cry I'm surprised when I feel someone hug me. I look and see Da'Cia. "Shh. He'll wake up." She says. "How about if he doesn't." I say and cry harder. I feel another hand on my back and someone says "He has to." this time it's Kendra. "Harry freakin Styles.. you better wake up." Kendra says. "Kendra, Sara,and I.. will try to be friends." if you do. Da'Cia says. "We'll work out all our problems." I say. "Yea." Kendra says in agreement. A few minutes later I feel my hand being squeezed. "He squeezed my hand." I say. "Harry! I love you!" I say. "Wake up!" Kendra says. "Harry please open your eyes." Da'Cia says. A minute later his eyes open and close. We wait and he does it again. "Harry!" I say happily. "Sara!" he says. I smile.
"Imma get the doctor." Da'Cia says. "I'll wake the lads." Kendra says. I don't reply. I'm to busy looking at Harry. The doctor comes in and isn't to happy that we're all in here but he doesn't make us leave. He checks Harry to make sure he's ok and talks for a minute before leaving. I hug Harry then everyone else does. "You idiot. You trying to kill us. How would the twins be without there uncle?" she asks. "Not just the twins. How about this one." Kendra says and points to her stomach. "Wait, you're pregnant." Harry says. "Yes!" Kendra replies. "It's not nice to scare pregnant chicks half to death." I tell Harry causing him to blush. "I'm sorry." he says. "Don't be. Just don't scare us all like that. We love you to much." I say. Harry nods. A bit later everyone except me leaves. "How did you know?" Harry asks. "Da'Cia called." I say. His mouth forms an O shape. I nod. "I'm glad she called. I can't loose you." I say. "It hurt loosing you." Harry said. I look down. I'm sitting at the edge of his bed holding his hand. "It hurt loosing you." I reply. "I'm sorry for the drama." I say. Harry shrugs. Neither of us say anything until he pulls me down so I'm laying by him. "I love you!" he says as I turn and face him. "I love you to." I say. We both lean in and kiss. "Let's start over?" he says as we pull away. "A new beginning." I say. He smile and kisses me. "New beginning." he says.

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