Chapter 38- Daddy Day

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Zayn P.O.V: I stood in the living room looking at Da'Cia like she was crazy. "You want me to what?" I ask. "Watch "our" babies for a few hours." she said putting emphasis on the word our. "Why?" I ask. "Kendra and I are making wedding plans and, she has to do a fitting for me." Da'Cia replies patiently. I nod. "Da'Cia.. I can't get them for 4 hours.. how about if they get hungry." I say. Da'Cia shakes her head. " I already feed them and in about 30 minutes give them some apple sauce in the bottle with a little apple juice mixed in. I'm still testing them on the sweet patotes, but you can give them the apple sauce or banana baby food. Um, neither are real big on the banana baby food unless it's mixed with the apple sauce." she tells. I nod. " Kellan seems to be getting a diaper rash so just make sure to change them when they're wet especially Kellan. Um, I just opened some new wipes and diapers. If either of them mess up their clothes to much I laid them each two extra outfits. When you feed them make sure to burp them even though it's not milk because excess gas makes them fussy and makes the colic worse. The quickest way to calm them is sing and bounce them if their tired and that's not working try laying them in the swing or the bouncing seat and put it on vibrate. I think that's all." Da'Cia tells me. I look at her like she's crazy. "I can't do it." I tell Da'Cia once again. She laughs at me. "You can. I promise. Now, I'm running late." she says. I sigh. Since they were born I haven't had them by myself for longer than 30 minutes. Da'Cia picks them up and kisses them and tells them mommy loves them. Da'Cia lays them each down then she kisses me. "I love you." I tell her. "I love you to. And, be careful with them." she tells me before walking out.
Da'Cia left about 30 minutes ago and every thing is good so far. I feed Kaylen then before I feed Kellan I notice he needs a diaper change. As I change his diaper I notice the rash is worse so I put the diaper rash cream and powder. After changing him I change Kaylen. As I change them I start making silly faces making them laugh. I have them both laying down and I start dancing while singing Kiss You to them. They won't stop smiling and laughing. After a bit Kaylen wants to be held and Kellan wants to be up. I sit him in the bounce that is similar to a walker I think Da'Cia said. As he sits in it he starts grabbing at the toys. I can't help but smile. I sit Kaylen on my lap and sit down with her. I bounce her up and down. She is fine as long as she's being held and Kellan could careless if he was or wasn't. I love them both.
It's been an 2 hours and I have to change my shirt and Kellans. He found it to spit up all over both of us. As soon as I laid him down he started crying. I picked him back up and held him and changed his onesie. I tried to lay him back down so I could change but he started screaming and even after I had him in my arms he wouldn't stop crying. I sung to calm him down and just as he calmed down Kaylen started. My eyes went wide. I quickly pick her up and and try to soothe her but, she keeps screaming. Of course since I can't catch a break Kellan started back. I tried to listen to their cries..something Da'Cia taught me and I couldn't tell what was wrong. I think maybe their wet so I change them even though their diapers are dry. When they just cry harder I try feeding them but Kaylen spits hers out and Kellan won't take the bottle. I then try to sing again and bounce and rock them. Nothing's working. I try rubbing their back and putting Kaylen in the swing and holding Kellan then I put Kellan in the bouncing seat and hold Kaylen. "Ughh." I groan as they keep screaming. They've been crying 45 minutes and I'm losing my mind. I try everything I can think of then I think of calling Da'Cia. Maybe they really do want milk. I sigh and shake my head. Da'Cia is planning our wedding and she deserves a break and she won't admit it but, that's why she needed to go today. I bite my lip then I dial Louis' number.
"Hello." he answers. "Hey." I reply. "Is everything ok?" he asks. I know he can hear the babies.. you could probably could hear them on the other side of the world. "Yes and no.." I say. "Explain." Louis replies. "Everyone is ok. But, the babies have been crying 45 minutes and I don't know what to do." I reply. I hear Louis chuckle. The line is silent for a minute and I know he probably just told Liam. "Liam and I will be there in 10." he says. Before I can say anything else I hear beeping on the other end.
*10 minutes later*
Zayn P.O.V: As soon as I hear a knock I open the door. Liam and Louis look at me then at each other before shaking their heads and coming in. "What have you tried to calm them?" Liam asks. I sigh in frustration. "EVERYTHING!" I say. "Whoa calm down." Liam replies. "Sorry." I say and run my fingers through my hair. "Let's get to the babies." Louis says as the crying, more like screaming gets louder. We walk to the front room and Louis picks up Kaylen and Liam picks up Kellan and they try rocking them and bouncing while rubbing their backs but they only cry harder. I sigh. All three of us try an arse load of different things when Louis says "Pass them here." I nod. I give him Kaylen and Liam gives him Kellan. Louis holds them where they are laying with their heads on his chest. He then started this bounce rock sway thing going. After a few minutes they actually started calming down. Louis started walking and bouncing them and talking softly to them. I looked at Liam and he was watching Louis closely. I started watching Louis to. As the babies hushed Louis started singing Hush Little Baby to them. About 1o minutes and several lullabies later the twins were asleep. I sigh in relief. "How did you do that." I ask a bit louder than I meant to. "Shh!" Louis says he then says "5 sisters." I nod. Just as I go to say something Kaylen starts to stir and Louis sits down and starts rocking. I go to get them from him and he just shakes his head. It might be a good thing. I don't want them to wake up and start crying again. They were crying for almost 2 hours.
Liam P.O.V: I watch Louis with the twins and I can't help but stare. Louis looks like he's such a good dad. I sigh at the thought.I smile at Louis as he rocks them. I let my mind wander. I've always wanted kids and I love Louis.. Seeing Louis with them opens up thoughts of us with a baby. I bite my lip thinking of it. A little baby boy or girl us taking turns holding and him or her. As I think about it I know I'm also feeling this because it seems every one is having a baby.. well, not Niall and Kendra. We all know they haven't done anything. "Liam." I hear Louis say. "What?" I say. "You keep sighing. You ok?" Louis says causing my face to go red. "Yea, I'm fine." I quickly reply. He nods but shrugs. Zayn smirks like he knows what I'm thinking. "I know I won't be able to handle them on my own yet.. So, how about whenever I have to have them that long at once I see if you lads want to help. It'll teach me how to handle them better.. and it'll give you two practice with kids for when you decide to adopt or whatever." Zayn said looking at me at the last part. I glared at him. "Sounds good." Louis says. I nod. After a second I sit down by Louis as Zayn takes the babies from him and sits down. We turn soccer on low and watch that and talk a little.

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