Chapter 3- Meeting

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                                                                                The Next Day
Da'Cia P.O.V: Kendra and I hung out around her house listening to One Direction most of the day. A few hours before we had to leave we got ready. I decided to leave my hair out while she pulled her back. Neither of us had on really any make-up. As we finished getting ready we looked in the mirror. "Ready?"  Kendra asked. I nodded. We left and headed towards the arena. 
As we arrived I couldn't sit still. Once we got there we headed in. The guards wouldn't let us in a first but Kendra called Louis. When we got in Kendra and Louis ran towards each other. "I missed you!" they were both saying.I walked up as they broke apart. "Louis this is my cousin Da'Cia.. Da'Cia this is Louis."  Louis walked over and gave me a hug. I somehow managed not to pass out. Louis put an arm around both of us and led us to the other boys. When we got there he introduced us. "This is Kendra my best friend.. she's like a sister and this is Da'Cia, her cousin. And girls this is Harry, Zayn, Liam and Niall." "Hi." they all said. Soon we were sitting on the stage talking.
Kendra P.O.V: I was sitting with Louis, Liam and Niall talking. Da'Cia was flirting with Zayn and Harry. That sad moment when Da'Cia is younger and flirts better than me. "So Kendra, What's your favorite line in TMH?" Niall asked. "Um.. Does word count?" I ask. Louis shook his head laughing. "Yea." Liam says. "Ow...But, My favorite song is Little Things." I say. They all nod. "Lou told us that you have known each other since you were like six." Liam says. "Yea.. We met when I moved next  door." I say. Out  of no where Harry walks over. He sits by Louis. "So what are we talking about?" Harry aks. "How Lou and Kendra met." Niall says. "Why aren't you over there anymore?" I ask just out of curiosity. "Because, Da'Cia and Zayn are all flirty and everything... And she's about to show Zayn a dance move to do tonight." He says. All of our heads turn to them.
Da'Cia P.O.V: Zayn and I were standing in the middle of the stage. "What was wrong with my hip thrust?" Zayn says giving me a fake glare. "Hm.. Not enough hip..or thrust." I say smirking. "What, You want me to do like Lou?" he says. "No.. Just because I said more thrust doesn't mean I said to break a bed and make it where a chick can't walk." I reply. Zayn shakes his head. " Well show me then." he says. I smile. "Ok." I say. I thrust. Not to hard or soft and I put enough hip. I could tell he's surprised. "Now your turn." I say. He thrust. First to hard then to soft then he does it right. "More hip." I say He adds hip. "How's that?" he asks. "Great." I reply. 
"Do that when y'all sing Rock Me.." I say with a smirk. "If I do.. will that make you happy?" he asks smiling. "Aww, Does it matter if it does?" I ask playfully. "Of course it matters if a beautiful girl like you is happy." he says causing me to blush. "Da'Cia we need to leave out so they can get ready." Kendra says out of now where. We tell them by and head to where we'd be sitting. 

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