Chapter 6- Trouble

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Da'Cia P.O.V: It's been a bit over a week since my mom found out. She hasn't really talked to me except to flip out when I said it was twins. My tummy is slowly getting bigger. I'm only 11 weeks but I had definitely gained some weight. I have morning sickness every morning and different things make me sick. I talked to my doctor yesterday and she said that I will continue to gain weight and since I'm kind of a medium build that I will show earlier. Yea, Just great. I really need to tell Zayn but at the same time I don't want to ruin his life. I might be pregnant with his kids but he has his whole career ahead of him.  I sigh and absently but  my hand on my stomach. I have so much on my mind. 
Kendra P.O.V: My cell went off and when I looked down at it I saw my aunts number. Hmm, that's weird. "Hello!" I answer. "Hey Kendra, I wanted to ask you something." Aunt Ana said. "Yea?" I replied. "I know that Da'Cia told you she was pregnant. But, Do you know who that father is when she go pregnant," she said. It took me a second before answering the question. "Um, yea. Zayn Malik and it happened the night of the concert." I replied. I wasn't prepared when she started yelling at me. "You knew Da'Cia had sex! I can't believe you. You were supposed to be role model and keep her out of trouble. But, I let her go with you to a concert one time and now she's pregnant. Kendra don't you ever lay foot in my house again. Don't call or message Da'Cia or there will be some trouble." She hangs up before I have a chance to say anything. So now apparently it's my fault that she's pregnant. Last time I checked Da'Cia is old enough to do know what to do and what not to do.
Da'Cia P.O.V: I over hear my mom yelling at Kendra. I walk to her. "You know it's not her fault." I say. "Shut up and go to your room." is her reply. "No, I've given you a whole week of staying in my room and out of your way and being yelled out. Now, I'm done. You need to accept the fact that I'm pregnant and deal with it. I have. Sorry I couldn't be the perfect little angel you were hoping for but guess what as we can all see I wasn't. I'm sorry I had sex. But, I did and now I have to live with what I did. Not you. It was no one's fault except mine so stop putting blame on everyone. If you wanna blame some one then go ahead and blame me. I don't care." I say. My mom looks ready to explode. "You're right. It is your fault. I thought I taught you better but, apparently I didn't. I thought my own daughter knew to keep her legs closed. But, no you had to open then and get pregnant like some skank." my mom said. Before she could say anything else I turned around and went to my room. So now I've been called a slut and skank. Nice..just nice.
Kendra P.O.V: My cell goes off and it's Da'Cia. I answer it now caring what her mum said. "Hey." I answer. "Hey, I need some advice." I hear her say. "Yea?" I answer kind of confused. "I want to move out because I can't deal with it here but I don't know if I should. I've just basically been called a skank." she says. A light bulb in my head goes off. "Da'Cia. I have to go for a few minutes but I'll call right back." I say. She says ok and we hang up. I go down stairs and see my parents talking. I talk to them about Da'Cia until we come up with a plan. I call her back. "I'm coming down there and we'll rent an apartment at least until after they're born. That way you can finish your senior year and I'll get a job. After senior year is over you can get a part time one until they're born." I say. After some talking we decide that'll be best. My parents give me some money for a place and say that even if her parents won't help they will. 
I start packing and tell Da'Cia to start looking for a place. I leave home the next day and stay in a hotel in South Carolina until we're able to find somewhere good at a reasonable price. A week after deciding what we would do we find a place and move in. Her mum is furious. But we find out the day Da'Cia moves out that she actually is glad that Da'Cia won't be there. She says that "I'm glad my slutty niece and daughter are staying together."

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