Chapter 27- Future Plans

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 *Time Skip*
Da'Cia P.O.V: I'm now seven months pregnant.We're back on tour and Zayn is crazy protective. I'm sitting with him and we're making plans about living, the babies and all. "Zayn, I'm not sure if I want to live in England.. But, I'm not sure about America either. "Well, We can get a condo in America and live in England, Or get a condo in England and live in America." Zayn says. "Um, We'll live in England and get a condo or something in America. I want them to be able to play in either and see what they like. Plus, Once they're one I want to start working on my dance while you're on tour." I say. "NEDA?" Zayn asks. "Yes." I say. (New England Dance Academy) Zayn smiles. Zayn grabs his lap top and brings up these list. "I saw all of these. I looked for condos and houses in both." he said. I smiled. After several hours of looking we decided on a big house. Not a mansion or anything just something simple yet spacey.
We looked through the condos for a while and found one to. I smiled. We had on less thing to worry about. "I think new week Kendra and I need to go to our house and start preparing for these two while I can still move. I say. Zayn sighs. "Ok. But, Call daily!" he says. I smile. Later that night Zayn and I sat in the front once everyone was in bed kissing each other while his arms were around me.
The next week was hard and long. My back hurts my feet and boobs are swollen and I have constant heartburn. There babies are lucky I love them. Kendra and I left mid day and went to the new house. Luckily the house had some furniture. As we looked around we decided on what rooms would be used for the babies. I decided that I would have separate rooms for them but when I started putting them in cribs I'd put them together. I sat on the bed that Zayn and I ordered in the master bedroom.
Kendra P.O.V: Da'Cia and I have been in "their" house for 3 days getting stuff ready. We've gotten everywhere set up except the nurseries. Today we'd be working on them. Da'Cia and I both had on stuff we didn't mind getting dirty. "I'll start on her's you start on his. Just the paint." Da'Cia said and I nodded. I went to the boys room and she went to the girls. I started painting the room. She wanted the top of the wall blue and the bottom brown. As I worked I looked around sighing. Help my cousin paint her babies room made me think about my future. I'm in love with Niall but my heart still hurts because of Louis. How did I let myself fall for him. My thoughts flash back to that night in the hospital thinking of Da'Cia dying. Should I have begged him to kiss me or was I stupid? I know that's what I wanted.. no, needed but I shouldn't have begged him. I sigh and bite my lip. As I paint I absently let my mind wander to what my future could be like. I could let Niall love me. We could be happy get married and I couldn't get pregnant with our own little baby boy or girl. I smile without knowing at the thought of me being pregnant with a little bundle of joy. I wouldn't be to young to have our baby and I would be married. By the time my thoughts are back to normal I'm done with the blue and start on the brown.
As I begin the brown my thoughts flash to Louis and Liam. If I leave them and just help Da'Cia with the babies. Niall could find some other girl and Louis and Liam could adopt a baby girl with out worrying about me. Niall could be happy with Demi Lovato and have there little Lovatics/Directioner baby who could get every thing they wanted and needed. He would forget me. I paint and keep thinking about it.
Da'Cia P.O.V: I paint Kaylen's room pink with a thick brown line in the middle. I get on the floor and paint the very bottom brown. When I try to get up I can't. I sigh. I try several times finally getting up. I groan this is so much fun..not. As I finish painting I see Kendra still painting. I decide not to bother her since she's seems in her own world. I grab a few of the things and bring them up the stairs. They're not heavy. When I get back to the room Kendra is done painting. We sit down and talk as the paint dries. I know something is up but she won't say. Soon we are putting up the cribs which she does most of. Once we have both cribs up we start in Kalyen's room since hers had more time to dry. We have everything in her room up within a few hours. When we get done with Kellan's room it's dark. My back is hurting my feet are swollen and I'm tired cranky and hungry. As we sit down on the couch eating I put my feet up. Kendra won't stop sighing and I know why. I smirk. When she gets up to go to the bathroom I call Zayn. We talk for a second and once I see Kendra I have him put Niall on. When Kendra gets to me I pass her the phone. She's confused. "Talk to Zayn for a minute I have to go to the bathroom." I says. She nods. I quickly head to the downstairs bathroom. I hear Kendra say hi. I smile and gently walk to peek and see what she does.
Kendra P.O.V:
*Phone convo*
Kendra: "Hi."
Niall: "Hey"
Kendra: "Ni? I thought Da'Cia wanted me to talk to Zayn."
Niall: "Um, Zayn gave me the phone."
Kendra:" Oh.." *Crap* I think. "'Um, Did he say why?"
Niall: "He said Da'Cia said you wanted to tell me something."
Kendra. I'm gonna kill Da'Cia. "Oh,um..About that night.. I'm sorry."
Niall: "Why? I'm not."
Kendra: "I didn't even give you time to say no."
Niall: "You did... I chose not to. I chose to stay with you."
Kendra: "Well, Can we face chat?"
Niall: "Of course."
I turn on the face to face crap and I see Niall.
Niall: "Beautiful."
Kendra: "What?"
Niall: "You're beautiful!"
Kendra: Then I know. I bite my lip and know what to do now. "I love you. I don't want all my drama to ruin your life.. but, I love you. I have a lot of crap going on and I'm confusing and don't know what to think or to do.. And I keep over thinking every thing when it comes to you. Every thing you do drives me crazy and you can't help it. I'm in love with you!"
Niall: I gasp. I smile. "I love you and every thing about you! Now will you please just stop all this you're better crap and be my girl friend?"
Kendra: "Of course!" I blow him a kiss threw the screen and he does the same.

"Took long enough. I was scared I was going to have to actually die for you two, too get together. Seriously.. Like for real." Da'Cia says coming from no where causing me to jump. I hear Niall chuckle. "I'll let you two talk. Bye Da'Cia and Little Malik. Bye Kendra, I love you!" Niall says. "Love you to." I say and hang up. I pass Da'Cia her cell smiling. "How long have you been there?" I ask. "Phs, The whole time." she says. I roll my eyes. We're talking for one minute when Da'Cia has to go to the bathroom. I shake my head. I smile. My future might turn up how I want it. My future plans will come true.

Kellan's room- Basics-
Kaylen's room- Basics- 

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