Chapter 17- What Started As A Love Triangle

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  Kendra P.O.V: The bus ride from the stadium to the next place was different. I everyone was asleep after a long night but I woke up at 3:00 am after I swore I heard talking. I looked around and thought everyone was still asleep. I got up and walked to the door and opened it quickly and quietly. When I opened it I saw Louis and Liam. I was going to walk out until I saw Louis kiss Liam's head. I thought nothing of it until I noticed there hands intertwined. I blinked a few times but they were still cuddling and talking softly. I couldn't make out what they were saying but that might be a good thing.I slowly walked back into the room and laid back down. Da'Cia was laying by Zayn. Niall and Harry were in separate beds since Louis and Liam had fallen asleep out there. As I laid down I prayed that I was just dreaming of what I saw.
I woke up at 9:30am and everyone was up. I got ready, the whole time my thoughts were on Liam and Louis. Was I dreaming or was there something really going between them that no one knows about. I hope it was just a dream. As I walked out and sat down I sat by Niall. Without noticing I was keeping up with every touch and glance between them. "Kendra?" I heard as someone kicked me. "Yea?" I ask. "I said since we'll be in Florida until after their show tonight why don't we look around." Da'Cia said. I nod. "Ok, Sounds good with me." I say. Da'Cia nods. As we get to Miami Da'Cia changes out of her p.j's and get ready. The seven of us decide to hang around some before the concert. We arrive near the beach and all get out. Da'Cia and Zayn decide to walk around for a bit while I walked with the rest of the lads.
As we split up I start regretting no going with Da'Cia. No one else notices but I do. Liam and Louis keep sharing secret glances and smiles and when ever they get the chance to touch each other they do. This is just flipping great, my life can't get any better. I look down shaking my head. It probably wasn't smart to say that especially since mother nature sure likes to prove me wrong. We head towards the water getting stopped along the way by fans. The lads don't mind taking picture and signing autographs. The lads all head towards the water but I decide to sit for a bit and work on my tan which I don't have. After a little convincing they leave me there.
Louis has his hand pressed on the small of Liam's back. Liam is looking up at him shyly. After a minute they move from each other and start throwing water at each other. I get up and walk to the water. When I get there Harry picks me up causing me to scream. Niall comes and grabs my arms while Harry hold my legs and they swing me and toss me to Liam and Louis just as a huge wave hits. I'm laughing so hard. It's like that for a while when Da'Cia and Zayn come and join us. We all are soaked when Da'Cia says she needs a break. Her and Zayn had been at the edge of the water. "I'll come with you." I tell her as she walks towards a guy selling ice-cream. "What's wrong?" Da'Cia asks and I give her a confused look. "You've been act weird all day. Did Louis or Niall kiss you or something." she says. "No, Why would you think that?" I ask. "Because, you have a thing for both of them." she says. I'm surprised she knew. "Figured it out when you started acting all confused about them." she said I just nod. After getting our ice cream I figured it would be best to tell Da'Cia what was on my mind. " Something is going on between Liam and Louis. I woke up early and they were holding hands and Louis was kissing Liam's head." I said. Da'Cia nods. "Oh.." she says. I nod. "I'm caught between Louis and Niall.. but, now I think Louis is with Liam." I say. "You should find-" Da'Cia was cut off by the lads.   

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