“No Hank, I have enough money to take care of myself, got it.” I cut him off and he groaned.

“Fine, but I was being a gentleman.” He pouted and I laughed.

“Bye Hank, I’ll call you later.”

“Bye Savannah.” He shouted and stated to drive the car down the highway. I look until I couldn’t see the truck anymore and turn around and started to walk to the motel, with my suitcase in toe.

The motel looked very nice and clean, something that I haven’t seen in a lot of motels over the years. It was a rectangle building, which I think it has at least 3 floors. The walls were a pale yellow that made the motel look nice and homey. The grass was freshly cut and it had a lot of flowers with different colors.

I opened the glass door and was received with cool air that refresh my over heated body. I closed the door behind me and took a look at the inside of the motel. It hadn’t change at all.

The walls were a blood red and the furniture was a gothic style, all in black color. There wasn’t any light entering the windows because they were all covered with blinds or had dark dye in them. In the front desk and there was a girl whit dark brown hair and grey eyes, which was too busy to reading a magazine.

I walk over to her and slam my hand down on the desk. She jumped up and hissed at me, her jade eyes turning ink black.

“What are you doing here?” She snapped and I rolled my eyes, a newbie.

“I came here to see you leader.” I snapped back at her and she started to hissed at me even louder than before.

“That’s enough Nasya!” Andre’s voice boomed trough the whole motel, scaring the hell out of Nasya.

“But mon amour.”  Nasya cried and Andre hissed at her.

“Go to the bedroom Nasya.” Andre growl at her and she whimpered, running up the stairs to where the bedroom was supposed to be.

Andre turned to me and threw me a wide smile.

“Bonjour Savannah!” He said to me and gave me a hug.

“Bonjour to you too Andre.” I said to him and hug him back. He pulled back, his dark brown eyes twinkling and his sandy brown hair that reached his hair moved slightly with each movement he made.

“So what are you here chéri?” He asked seriously and I sighed.

“I want to stay for a little while.” I said to him innocently and he narrowed his eyes.

“You know you can stay here as long as you want Savannah, you know that.”

“Thank you Andre.”

“Now come with me Savannah, I’m going to show you your room.” He turned around signaled me with his hand to follow him.

We walked up the stairs and turned to the first hallway. It was filled with old paintings and ancient artifacts. It looked like a museum, but it was very common to vampires to have stuff like this, they like to keep things that remind them from different times in their lives.

We stopped at a dark red wooden door, with different kind of swirls embedded in to the beautiful looking door. Andre slowly opened the door and I gasp to what it had inside.

It looked like a princess room. It was big with a very high ceiling and I big crystal chandelier hanging from it. The crystals shined from every angle of the room and almost left blind by it.

The walls were a soft peach with different kinds of light oranges and creams. It kind of reminded me of autumn which was my favorite season of the year.

The bed was huge and had a lot of space. It looked like a comfy cloud in heaven and I knew by looking at it, it would feel like heaven too.

“This can’t be for me Andre.” I gasped and he nodded.

“I heard from the break up.” He said and again, my mood went downhill.

“How could you know? It happen a couple of hours ago!”

“You know vampires like to gossip.” He rolled his eyes and I nodded in agreement.

 "Well Savannah, you can call for me if you need anything or there is a problem with your stay." He change the conversation and I was grateful for it.

"Thank you very much Andre."

"Don't worry Savannah and like I said earlier, you can stay for as long as you want. You're like family." He said to me and retreated, closing the door behind him.

I let my suitcase fall to the floor and I threw myself to the bed.

I let all my guard down, breaking the barriers around myself and let the emotions I was feeling flood. Pain, hurt, heart break, shock, angriness, sadness and many more emotions were feeling me up, letting myself feel like I felt all those years ago. I fell on his trap again. He just wanted to play with my heart like he did those five years ago when he cheated on me with that damn witch.

I felt a tear slowly go down my cheek and then more followed it. I wanted to scream, to shout to the world that why fate was so cruel to me. What had I done to deserve all this pain and rejection that was eating me up, little by little and making in my soul a big dark hole in it.

I knew when I this started. The moment I was born was the moment that fate decided what to do with me. I think the only person who ever loved, even for one second was my mother, the mother I killed when I was brought in to the world.

The only way I have survived all this years was because of one reason and that reason was that my mother gave her life for mine, she saved me and she took the consequences. I knew she wanted me to live life the fullest ad that is what I'm trying to do, but the pain was always there and my past was always catching up with me, trying to bring me down and destroy me.

I dried my tears with my shirt and calm myself. I was going to be the Savannah that was fierce, brave and adventuress. The one before she took step in the De Luna territory.

  No one deserve my tears, they were too special to be shed for someone, especially for Daniel De Luna.

I was Savannah Collins, one of the most respected huntresses in the world and I was going to keep up the title no matter what. I heart break wasn’t going to take me down; in fact it would make me even stronger.

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