Chapter 13

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Hi there guys, I finish my exams! Woo hoo! No more studying until January...

Anyway here is chapter 13, I made it longer so please vote and comment! :)

  Chapter 13     

“What?” I gasped. Sarah was pregnant? The girl that was too shy to go out with somebody got a bun in the oven? Well, she wasn’t too shy to make out with Cameron…

“Is Cameron’s pup, isn’t?” I asked her. She looked up at me with shock on her face.

“How did you know?” She asked back, her red and puffy eyes were wide and had a little fear in them.

“I saw you and Cameron a couple of days back making out.” I answered her. Her lower lip started to quiver and she started to cry again.

I pulled her to me and hug her as tight as I could. Every sob shook her whole body and they were getting louder each second.

"Shh honey, let’s talk calmly about this, okay?" I cooed to her slightly, afraid that she would start to cry again.

"Okay." She whispered hoarsely and I gave her a smile.

"Okay Sarah, how far are you?" I asked slowly and she looked down again.

"One month." She replied, now looking out the window.

"How is that possible? We've been her only a few days." I asked her confused.

"I’ll tell you the whole story, okay?" She said sniffing and I nodded my head.

"Well", she started, "remember a few months ago that I had to go train pups in a pack here in the US?" She asked and I nodded. Sarah only trains pups from packs that are from the US. I really don’t know why, but that's the only way she does it.

"That was Cameron's pack." she admitted, " He is the alpha of that pack and we knew that we were mates instantly. The connection was there so we both felt it. We both accepted each other as our mate and we hit it off really fast. He took me on dates, we run in the woods together; you know the usual boyfriend and girlfriend stuff." She smiled at the end.

"But when I had to leave, we both still kept in touch with each other. He came every couple of we spend every minute we had together. I fell in love with him Savy, very fast." She finished, still smiling and had that spark in her eyes that I am used to see.

"So, what is the problem Sarah? Your having his pup, isn’t he going to be happy that you’re carrying his child?" I asked and her smile instantly fell out of her face and was replaced with a sad look.

"That's the problem Savannah. One day we were both talking about the future, when I asked him if he wanted children. You should have seen his face Savy, it turned in to scowl and he replied that he didn’t want children in a long time and that I shouldn’t get any ideas of getting myself pregnant." She whispered hoarsely and the water works started again.

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