Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

"I want to get out of here now." I growled at Daniel and he growled back in response.

"How many times do I have to tall you savannah that you're still recovering!" He shouted angrily at me and I scoffed. This was really getting on my nerves, and probably his too.

“I can recover fully back at the house.”

“The doctors want to keep you here for observation darling, please stop trying to get your way.” He almost pleaded, except that he had an annoyed look in his face.

“Fine” I huffed and he smirk in victory.

“But leave” His smirk turned in to a scowl and he left the room, muttering curses all over the place. I kept looking at the door until I couldn’t hear his footsteps anymore.

I drank a little from the water bottle I had next to my bed and got ready to go to sleep. This has been our second fight since I have come out of my coma two days ago. It was now Friday and I was bored in this white room that made me feel like I was in a cage or something.

Our first fight did even make sense to me now. It happened yesterday when we were discussing what to order to eat.

“I want to eat Italian Daniel.” I whined at him and he just look away.


“But darling, what about Chinese?” He asked excited and I just stare at him.


“I don’t like Chinese Daniel, you know that.”


“Well I don’t like Italian.” He replied back and I just stare at him. His eyes were filled with anger and frustration.


“Well, why don’t  we-“ But he cut me off.


“You know what Savannah, just leave it. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He kissed my forehead and left the room quickly. I was dumbstruck, what had gotten in to him? Why was he acting this way towards me? Had I done something wrong? I wish I had the answers to those questions…


I opened my eyes and closed them again. I guess our happy months were over and now we had to confront reality. Now we had to face the problems, especially with each other. Tomorrow I will talk to him...


I was changed into a pair of jeans and a normal white T-shirt. I put my long red hair, which now needed a cut, in to a messy bun. I look in the bathroom’s mirror and look at my face. The bruises and cuts I had were now fully healed. I was lucky that I didn’t have any scars to remind me of the accident, so now I was going to be extra careful in my driving.

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