Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to The Readers and Fans

 Thank you people for reading,commenting and voting. I never thought i would get this far!


 Chapter 3

I woke up with a cup of freezing water being thrown at me. I gasp for air and look for the person who had done that and the one who had the water was Isla. I jump from the bed and she started to run away screaming. I finally catch her and brought the both of us to the ground

“Why the heck did you do that for?” I screamed at her and she started suirming in my hold

“I did it because our flight leaves in thirty minutes.” She wailed, her eyes fille with laughter.

“Oh… Ok.” I murmured very quite and nodded at her.

I got up from her and started packing my stuff which was almost anything. I always pack light for missions. Then I put my hair in a bun, went to have shower. After that, I got dressed in a pair of white skinny jeans, a red halter top, black boots, a black hat and a black jacket. After we all were ready, we left for the airport. The ride there was really quite, nobody said a word, Isla on her IPod, Sarah reading a magazine and me looking out of the car window. We entered the airport and looked for our terminal. We found it and I couldn’t take the silence anymore and I spoke.

“Why are you guys so quite?”

“We just understood that we were acting childish.” Sarah spoke in a soft voice.

“I’m sorry if I offended any of you but…” I sigh.

“What’s wrong Savy? You know you can’t tell us anything, we won’t judge you.” Isla said hugging me.

“I’ll tell you guys in a more private place.” I said and they both nodded.

After we aborted the plane, we took our seats that were assigned right next to each other. Sarah and Isla were talking but the sleep I didn’t have in the night proclaimed me.

I woke up all of a sudden by the plane landing and looked through and only thing I could see was the city lights because it was very late. I notice that Isla and Sarah were sleeping, so I woke them. They are both heavy sleepers so I had to slap them both. They woke up with a start and their furious gaze found mine and I just laugh it off. We got off the plane, got our luggage and waited for the limo that was supposed to bring us to the hotel we were supposed to be staying.

After like 15 minutes of waiting, Isla couldn’t take it anymore.

“Where the hell is Simon and the limo? I’m freezing my butt out here!”

“They will be here soon Isla, calm down.”

‘’I will not calm down Savannah! I’m hungry, tired and want to take a bath! Please just call Simon.” She wailed.

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