Chapter 11

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 Here is chapter 11 people. I want to say thank you to everyone who had voted, comment or read on this! Really means a lot!

Chapter 11

After I couldn’t see him anymore, I growled loudly.

How could this happen? These events weren’t on my plans! I almost get ‘raped’ and the one who rescues me is Daniel! I was supposed to have a nice nap and later get ready to go to the club with Selena. But no, the fates or karma had to interfere on my organized plans and to make this worst is that Daniel is like my knight in shining armor! Is fate so desperate from me to forgive him? Gosh…

I stopped my rambling when I feel someone nudging me. Looking at my side, I saw it was Daniel with a shirt in his mouth. I stopped looking at the shirt and looked in his eyes. They were filled with amusement and l a little lust, but the angriness was still visible, just lurking in the background. He hid it well, but I still could see it.

‘Here you go love.’ He said to me.

‘Thank you.’ I said softly to him, taking the shirt with my teeth. I didn’t want to start a fight, plus I didn’t want to make him angrier than he secretly is.

He gave me a wolf grin and moves his head in the direction of some bushes and I nodded back at him, saying that I understood. While I walked in the direction of the bushes, I could feel his eyes on me and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. Pervert, stupid, handsome male.

Wait… Did I just call him handsome? I’m I losing or what? What the hell is wrong with me?

‘Are you okay there darling? Do you need any help? Because I could help you if you want’ His voice happy and lusty voice filled my mind.

‘Don’t worry pervert, I’m just fine.’ I replied icily and didn’t hear a respond. He must have already shifted back to human form.

I was getting frustrated it took me al of time to put on the shirt because of the pain in my shoulder. I couldn’t lift it much and it hurt like crazy. I slowly lifted my arm and put it through the sleeve. After that, I pass the other arm without problem and got up from my kneeling position.

Silently, I got out of the bushes slowly, trying not to get scratched with the sharp branches it had. After finishing that task, I looked around the meadow but didn’t see Daniel anywhere; I was starting to get worried. Where the hell was he? He just talked to me like ten minutes ago.

Daniel” I shouted through the meadow, but the only respond was my echo. I shivered involuntary and looked up at the sky. The sun was starting to set and there was no sign of Daniel, plus the air was getting very cold here in the woods.

I kept walking through the trees and notice each minute my surroundings getting darker and darker, the only thing that gave a little of light was the amazing moon up there in the sky. It was a full moon and its roundness and paleness made it look like a light bulb in the darkness, shining like it was the sun. I’ve always thought that the moon was the sun of the night.

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