Shut up, Jack

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*Third Person POV*
The group paced around the hospital room. Anna and Elsa kept themselves entertained by braiding each other's hair. Merida and Hiccup worked on homework. Jack and Kristoff nibbled on their fingernails as Rapunzel anxiously waited beside Eugene, holding his hand. "When is he going to wake up?" Jack exclaimed. Everyone immediately shushed him.

"Jack, it will happen when it happens." Elsa frowned. The doctors called everyone to tell them that Eugene would wake up possibly in the next hour. The parents were at work on this Saturday, so the teens put it upon themselves to be there when he wakes up.

"Why not now? We've waited for almost three weeks!" Jack cried as he held up three fingers.

"We feel the same way," Rapunzel replied. "If we just have to have patience. He'll wake up. I know it." She smiled as she leaned forward, brushing his hair out of his eyes. She's been waiting for this moment. She knew today she'd hear he's voice.

"This just isn't working!" Merida yelled as she threw her pencil across the room, hitting Kristoff on the head.

"Oww!" He whined as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Mer, you just have to find x." Hiccup explained as he helped her with her math assignment. Kristoff tossed the pencil back and Merida caught it. Immediately, Hiccup reached over and helped Merida with their math.

"This is getting boring!" Anna whined as she braided Elsa's hair for like the tenth time. She tossed Elsa's hair over her shoulder and laid on the floor. Anna didn't want to be cramped in that tiny room. It was depressing to her to watch Jack and Kristoff worry.

"Then go for a walk." Elsa suggested. Elsa couldn't understand why Anna didn't think of that before.

"Great idea. Kristoff, we're going on a walk." Anna declared as she hopped to her feet. She ran to him and grabbed his hand.

"Kristoff immediately started shaking his head. "But I want to be here when he wakes up!" Kristoff argued. He was not going to miss it. Even if it went missing out on some alone time with his crush.

"Kristoff, please! Just a walk to the vending machine and back." Anna pleaded. Anna had started to grow feelings for Kristoff. He was sweet and kind. She wanted him to be everywhere with her.

Kristoff groaned and rubbed his hand against his forehead thinking. "Ya know, if you would go now, you would stop wasting time." Rapunzel smirked from beside Eugene. Anna squealed and dragged Kristoff out the door.

"She likes him." Hiccup stated. Everyone hummed in agreement. Suddenly, Rapunzel started squealing.

"What's going on?" Jack questioned as he leaned over Rapunzel's shoulder.

"Look!" She cried. She slowly lifted her hand for effect. Eugene's hand was tightly holding on. He was starting to gain control of his muscles.

"He's waking up!" Elsa awed. Everyone cheered, happy to finally see movement come from the dead like body. Everyone stopped what they were doing and watched Eugene, hoping he would perform another miracle.

"Anna! Come on." Kristoff impatiently whined as he quickly tapped his foot. He wanted to get back there and see if anything was happening.

"I'm trying, but this stupid machine won't take my dollar." Anna complained. She frantically shoved the dollar back in, only for it to be spit back out. She groaned and slammed her head against the machine, leaving behind a mark.

Kristoff snatched the dollar from her hands and rubbed it against the machine. He fed it back and it finally took it. Anna happily jumped up and down and ordered what she wanted. "Can we go now?" Kristoff asked.

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