Consider it my birthday present

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*Rapunzel's POV*
Today is Friday, Eugene's birthday! We just finished school and we're all planning on meeting at Eugene's house to grab a few things, then heading out to Jack's cabin. His cabin is about a half hour drive from Eugene's house, which is the closet to the cabin. I'm driving Elsa and Anna out to Eugene's house, since they don't know where he lives and their house is on the way there. I pulled into my driveway to pack my bags and say goodbye to my mom. I entered the house and gave Pascal a snack. I fed him some raspberries then quickly ran upstairs. I packed tons of clothes and my bathroom necessities. I was just about to leave the house when my mom stopped me. "Rapunzel."

"Yeah?" I asked.

"You forgot to say goodbye." Mom smiled as she leaned on the kitchen doorway. I smiled and ran to give her a hug.

"Goodbye." I smiled.

"Goodbye." Mom replied.

"Well, I guess I better get going if we want to get there early." I said as I grabbed my bag off the floor.

"Okay. Well, be safe. Don't do anything stupid. Don't sped, wear your seat belts, eat healthy foods." Mom listed off.

"Okay, okay! I get it!" I laughed.

"And don't do anything with Eugene that you would regret." Mom warned. Does she know about us being a thing?

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I can tell that you two like each other and I'm guessing secrets will come out this weekend so don't do anything you will regret." Mom replied.

"I understand. Goodbye!" I called as I towards the door.

"I love you!" Mom yelled.

"I love you more!" I yelled louder.

"I love you most!" Mom yelled as loud as she could. I laughed my way out the door and to my car. I plugged my phone in and drove to Elsa's house. I knocked on the door so they could know I was there. Elsa's mom answered the door. "Hi. You must be Rapunzel."

"Yup." I smiled.

"You can come in. Make yourself at home. I'll go tell the girls you're here." Their mom smiled as she walked up the stairs. I walked around their house, admiring how big it was. I mean, they're both doctors so they have lots of money. I took a seat on the large, comfy couch. I heard a bell and looked towards the stairway. I saw their cat climb down the stairs.

"Come here kitty." I cooed. The cat looked at me and walked towards me. He jumped onto the couch and laid his head on my lap. I started petting his soft, white fur. I listened to him purr in delight. I giggled and looked around the room as I continued to pet his little head. Soon, Elsa and Anna came downstairs.

"I see you've meet Olaf." Anna smiled.

"Yes. What type of cat is he?" I asked.

"He's a Himalayan." Elsa answered.

"He's so fluffy!" I awed.

"Well, you girls better get on your way if you want to be there in time." Their mom smiled.

"Okay. Well, bye mom!" Elsa said.

"Bye mom! Love you!" Anna called as we walked out the door. I put their bags in the back and drove to Eugene's house. Eventually, we showed up and I noticed that Kristoff and Jack bet us there.

"Do Hiccup and Merida know where Eugene lives?" I asked.

"Yeah, they just might be a while." Elsa smiled. We entered the house and saw the boys sitting at the kitchen counter.

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