F for Fantastic

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*Rapunzel's POV*
The weekend fun came to an end Sunday morning. Everyone went home, dreading to go to school the next day. Everyone except me. I was excited for Monday. It was the day I tried out for winter cheerleading. I slammed my locker shut and ran to Eugene's locker. Just as I arrived, he shut his locker. He turned and looked at me and smiled. "Hey Blondie!" Eugene grinned.

"Hey!" I cheered as I walked to his side.

"Ready to try out for cheerleading?" Eugene asked as we walked towards the gym.

"Sorta." I mumbled.

"I'm sure you'll do fine. After all, you probably have the most spirit out of anyone in this school." Eugene replied.

"That's true. I always have a smile on my face." I giggled as I pulled my lips into a smile, making Eugene laugh. Suddenly, someone pushed right in between us.

"Come on, Marco! We don't want to be late!" A blonde yelled as she pulled a boy by the arm.

"Star! You can't just run through people! Especially when they're juniors." He protested. He pulled her back, making them stop in front of us. When they turned to look at us, their faces went pale white.

"Ooooo my gosh! I'm so sorry, Rapunzel and Eugene. I didn't know it was you guys!" The girl cried.

"It's fine." Eugene chuckled.

"Yeah. What are your names?" I asked. They reminded me of younger version of Eugene and me.

"I'm Star Butterfly! And this is my best friend, Marco Díaz!" The girl cheered as she hugged onto the boy's arm.

"What grade are you in?" Eugene asked.

"We are freshmen. And guess what? I got an F for Fantastic on my last math test!" Star cheered. Eugene and I tried to keep from laughing.

"Star! For the last time, F doesn't stand for Fantastic. It stands for Fail. A is the best grade you can get." Marco groaned.

"Oooo. I guess I need to work on my grades then." Star giggled.

"Did you really think that F stood for Fantastic?" I giggled.

"She's a foreign exchange student from Sweden." Marco explained.

"Yup! And I'm living in Marco's house." Star smiled.

"Well, it been great seeing you guys, but Eugene and I need to get to practice." I smiled.

"Okay! See you later!" Star grinned as she pulled Marco down some more halls.

"They were cool kids." I said.

"Yeah, the blonde is a little too bubbly for me." Eugene replied.

"Bubbly? Never thought you would ever say that word." I chuckled, receiving a glare from Eugene.

"Well, see you after practice." Eugene said.

"Goodbye!" I replied as I kissed his cheek. I finished my journey by walking into the locker room. I changed into my practice uniform while all around me, everyone else changed into theirs. Some into basketball clothes and others into gymnastic leotards.

"Ready to go?" Anna asked as she finished braiding Elsa's hair.

"Definitely." I smiled. We walked in it the lobby, ready for our coach to arrive. "Soo, how are you and Hans getting along?" I asked.

"Really good. I just feel so happy. I mean, he's so cute and funny. And guess what? He loves sandwiches just like me!" Anna squealed. I felt a pang of hurt in my heart. I knew that Kristoff liked Anna and this had to be killing him.

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