Cobalt and carbon

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Warning! There will be some swearing!

*Rapunzel's POV*
I was walking back from math with Eugene. As we were walking to my locker, we received tons of glares. I tried to ignore it but I couldn't. "Eugene, why are they glaring at me?" I asked.

"They've probably heard rumors that you stole Jack." Eugene replied.

"But I didn't! Why would they think that?" I asked.

"I don't know. People like gossip and drama. I mean, why do you think the Kardashians have such a popular tv show?" Eugene chuckled.

"I guess. But if people ask you about it tell them-" I started.

"I know, I know, that it's not true. Do you really think I'd let them think bad about you?" Eugene replied.

"No, I was just making sure." I smiled. We got to my locker and froze. Sticky notes were across the whole thing. They all said things along the lines of: whore, bitch, slut, and boyfriend stealer. I opened my locker to find more notes flying out.

"What the hell?" Eugene asked.

"I shouldn't have fought her, then this wouldn't have happened." I cried.

"It was going to happened either way. Let's just ignore it and go to science." Eugene said.

"Okay, sounds good." I responded. We walked into science and quietly took our spots. I sit next to Adam and he's pretty nice.

"Rapunzel, what happened to your face?" Adam asked.

"I got in a fight with Tonya. I'm surprised you haven't heard yet." I answered.

"When did this happen?" He asked.

"This morning. That's why I was late to math." I chuckled.

"Why did she do it?" He asked.

"She told me I stole Jack from her and we said some pretty mean things back and forth. One thing led to another and we fought." I replied.

"But you don't like Jack, right?" Adam asked.

"No, I like someone else." I smiled.

"Let me guess. Hmmmm does his name begin with a K?" He asked.

"Nope." I smiled.

"Alight, how about an A?" He asked.

"Nuh, uh." I giggled.

"I know, it begins with an E!" He cheered.

"Ya, it does." I smiled. He looked around, trying to find someone with an E.

"Eric?" He asked.

"I'm only telling you the first letter. You won't get anything more." I smiled.

"Thanks, now that's all I'm going to be thinking about." Adam chuckled.

"You're welcome." I giggled.

"Alright class. Find a partner, you can pick today. We're just going over the elements again since some of you can't remember their symbols." Mr. Johnson grumbled. A couple of the boys lightly chuckled. "And yes Mr. Fitzherbert, there is a big difference between cobalt and carbon."

"Oops?" Eugene replied.

"Don't worry, you weren't the only one. Adam, learn the symbols for hydrogen and helium. And no, they're not the same. Just because they both start with H doesn't mean that's what their symbols are." Mr. Johnson continued. "Alright, get with your partners." Mr. Johnson said as he clapped his hands together. I quickly scrambled to Eugene.

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