You are expelled

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*Rapunzel's POV*
It's Monday morning. I'm so excited for Jack to break up with Tonya. I mean, I feel bad for her, I would hate it if my boyfriend broke up with me. But she keeps texting about how she's always hated me and how she's always knew I liked Jack. I'm ready for it to be done. I quickly ate my breakfast and hurried to school. I quickly opened my locker and grabbed my books. I was just about to head to Eugene's locker when someone got in my way. "Excuse me." I said. They turned around and scoffed at me.

"Why, if it isn't little Rapunzel?" Tonya taunted. She stood in my way, crossing her arms over her chest. She chomped on her gum, trying to intimidate me. Little did she know, that wouldn't work.

"What do you want Tonya?" I asked annoyance lacing my words. I didn't want to deal with her, not now. I just wanted things to be over with her and Jack!

"Duh, my boyfriend back." Tonya replied, popping out her hip. She batted her eyelashes, acting like I was stupid. Honestly, she would have to be the stupid one to think I would ever steal Jack.

"I don't like Jack." I argued. Jack and I were closer than two peas in a pod. The idea of dark him made me want to gag. He was one of my best friends.

"Then why did Kristoff send me all of this stuff saying that you guys don't like me?" Tonya questioned, holding up her phone. I knew that would come back to bite us in the butt.

"Because we don't." I replied. I started to notice a lot of people gathering around. I mean, what's not entertaining about two girls fighting? Everyone wants to see blood and gore.

"I think you're just jealous." Tonya smirked. God, she has a really ugly face. Why didn't I notice that before? She kind of resembled a bird of some sort, but I couldn't tell which one.

"Me? Jealous? Please, honey. Why would I have to be jealous over someone who can't even tie their own shoes?" I fired back. It was true, she couldn't tie her shoes. Her mother gave her Velcro straps because she refused to learn how to tie her shoes.

"Like that has to do with anything." Tonya scoffed, flipping her hair over her shoulder. Uhh, I mean, if you can tie your shoe you might be a little dumb, no?

"Give me one good reason why I should be jealous of you." I commanded. There was nothing appealing about her. She wasn't pretty in the least, she had a horrible attitude, and she was stupid!

"Because I'm dating Jack and you're not." Tonya smirked. She got a couple of ooos from the crowd that was slowly gaining more and more people. Couldn't people maybe mind their own business?

"Why would I like Jack?" I questioned. That wasn't even a reasonable excuse to be jealous! For one, I don't like Jack. Two, why would I care if she was dating him?

"Because he's smart, handsome, and popular." Tonya answered, listing them off on her fingers. At least she knew how to count.

"I'm already smart and popular so why would I need him?" I asked. I know I sound a little arrogant, but it was true! Why would I deny the facts? It would just make me look rude anyways.

"I guess you're right about you being smart and popular, but you aren't exactly pretty." Tonya commented, getting a couple of laughs from her closer friends. I clenched my fists and tightened my jaw.

"At least I'm not as self conceded as you. Plus, your eyebrows are uneven." I fired back. I got a couple of whispers. Dang it. I guess comebacks just aren't my thing.

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