How dare you

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*Rapunzel's POV*
I was sitting on Eugene's bed. I had been released from the hospital earlier this afternoon since they just wanted an overnight stay. I have a couple of cuts and bruises, but nothing as bad as Hiccup or Eugene. "So you're saying that it wasn't his fault?" Mom questioned the police. They had came to tell us about what they had found out from the accident. I haven't visited Merida or Hiccup, but I'm not ready to face them yet.

"Yes. The other driver tested positive. He was drunk. He swerved into their lane and hit them perfectly. None of these kids should be alive today." The officer frowned.

"He was drunk?" Mom cried.

"And high. He's had multiple DUI's in the last couple of years."

"And nobody's done anything with him before this?"

"That is correct."

"What kind of freak show are you running? My child could have been killed!" Mom shouted.

"Mom." I croaked. They stopped arguing, ready to answer my question.

"Yes baby?"

"Why hasn't Eugene woke up yet?" I asked. He hasn't shown any type of life except for his steady breathing and his pulse on the heart monitor. He hasn't stirred in his sleep or even mumbled anything.

"Rapunzel, he might not wake up for days. He was hit head on." Mom explained.

"I was in the front seat. How come I'm not as injured as him or Hiccup?"

"Something deflected the air bag from hitting your face and injuring your neck or even killing you. From our research, it was faulty." The officer explained.

"What even happened?" I questioned.

"The truck was hit and rolled three times before hitting a barb wire fence." The officer continued.

"So his seatbelt saved him." I replied.

"That is correct."

"Ya know, I always told him that someday that seatbelt would save him. I'm thankful I told him last night." I mumbled as I fixed his hair.

"He's a lucky guy." Mom weakly smiled.

"Would you like to continue this in the hallway?" The officer asked. Mom agreed and walked into the hallway, quietly shutting the door. I studied his face, looking at the purple bruises forming around his head and finding new cuts the longer I looked at him. I noticed his injured right wrist. It was a deep purple with splotches of yellow. Soon, there was a soft knock at the door. I opened the door and found Kristoff. I quickly brought him into a hug.

"How's he doing?" Kristoff asked.

"I don't know Kris." I cried. I felt the tears brimming my eyes. Don't cry, don't cry.

"How are you doing?" Kristoff questioned.

"Physically, just a few scraps and bruises. Mentally, I'm not feeling myself." I replied.

"Do you remember much?"

"I remember everything up until the accident. After that, everything is dark." I frowned.

"It's okay. Your mind probably won't let you remember that. After all, who would want to?" Kristoff comforted. Suddenly, there was a light knock at the door. We turned and looked to see Jack, Elsa, and Anna.

"Hey." Jack weakly smiled.

"Hey." I replied.

"How's it going?" Elsa questioned.

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