An inch shorter

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*Elsa's POV*
It's been two weeks since that dreadful night. Anna has been super distant with both my parents and me. I'm guessing it's something to do with Hans. Merida started coming back to school last Tuesday, Hiccup's coming back today, and Rapunzel's been back and forth. She been bipolar and will hardly speak a word to anyone us but Kristoff. Having Eugene in the hospital with no sign of life has taken a toll on Jack, Kristoff, but mostly Rapunzel. "Jack!" I called as I ran down the hall this Thursday morning.

"Hey Els. How's my girl?" He asked as he kissed the top of my head and pulled me close. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"I'm alright. So, what's the verdict on Eugene?" I questioned. Last night they ran some tests on him.

"He's in stable condition. He's in a deep coma. Doctors are unsure when he'll wake up, but they hope it will be in the next week or so." Jack summarized.

"So will we expect Rapunzel at school today?"

"Who knows? She might have walked away with little to no bruises, but whatever is happening to Eugene is making her go insane." Jack frowned and shook his head. He's always had a soft spot for her. He's always felt like a older brother. He's protected her from everything, including an eraser Derek threw at her during English.

"I just feel so bad for her. I wouldn't have know what to do if you were in a coma."

"Here's the thing, this isn't like she's moping around because her boyfriend hasn't woke up yet. She's been depressed because her childhood friend hasn't woken up. Eugene and Rapunzel have always been close, dating or not. She's watching her best friend barely survive on his own." Jack rambled. From the way he was speaking, I could tell he had planned out what he was going to say earlier. I nodded my head, showing I understood.

"How are the two lovebirds doing this chilly mornin'?" Merida questioned as she walked beside us. She seemed extremely happy today, which is unusual for Mer.

"We're doing fabulous. How's your arm?" I questioned.

"It's alright. My doctor said I should be able to practice by next Monday!" Merida cheered as she did a little happy dance. She's always loved sports. Personally, I think not be able to practice for two weeks was harder on her than actually spraining her arm.

"That's great Mer!" I smiled. "Now you'll be able to perfect your ariel on beam."

"Hopefully." Merida chuckled.

"Elsa, I need you." Anna whispered in my ear. "Now!"

"Anna, slow down." I requested.

"I need you!" Anna persisted as she pulled on my arm. She started dragging me away from our friends.

"What's your deal?" I questioned as I shook her off my arm.

"It's about Hans." Anna confessed. She looked around nervously, acting like she did something wrong and everyone knew.

"What did he do to you? Are you hurt?" I interrogated as I lifted her arm up looking for bruises.

"No, he didn't hurt me." Anna denied as she slipped her arm out of my grasp.

"Then what's the matter?"

"He wants me to ditch class." She whispered.

"Like, skip class? Play hooky?" I questioned. She quickly nodded her head. "No. That will not happen. Tell him no."

"Elsa, he said if I don't he'll break up with me."

"Anna, don't you see? This is not a typical relationship. This is mentally abusive." I scoffed. She looked down. I wasn't sure if she was going to cry or deny it.

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