I'm out of shape

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*Rapunzel's POV*
The rest of the day was dreadful. All day, I heard people whispering as I walked past them. I tried to ignore it, but how can you? Everyone knew me as the nicest girl, the girl who couldn't hurt anyone. But now I was know as the girl who stole everyone's boyfriends, the girl who couldn't keep her hands to herself. Eventually, school ended and I had to talk to Eugene before he went to practice. I quickly ran to his locker and waited for him. Soon, he came into sight and waved. "Hey, Blondie." Eugene greeted.

"Hey, Eugene. I need to ask you something." I said.

"Okay, what's up?" Eugene asked.

"Well, my punishment for fighting Tonya is that I have to volunteer at the orphanage and my mom said I could bring someone along and I choose you." I smiled.

"Alright, but I have practice till 5:30." Eugene replied.

"Okay! Meet at my house after practice." I cheered.

"Is it alright if I use your shower?" Eugene asked.

"Definitely!" I smiled.

"Thanks. See you around 5:30." Eugene said as he walked away with Kristoff to the locker room. I went to my locker and Merida was still there.

"Hey Merida." I smiled.

"Hey Punzie." Merida replied.

"I just wanted to say thank you for this morning. You didn't have to stand up for me." I smiled.

"That's what friends do. I won't let some snotty brat make fun of you." Merida replied.

"Thanks Merida. That's the best thing I've heard all day." I giggled.

"How was your day?" Merida asked.

"Umm, not the exactly best day of my life." I replied.

"It will get better soon." Merida smiled. It felt good to have someone other than Eugene comfort me.

"I hope." I replied.

"Well, see you around Punzie." Merida said as she shut her locker.

"Bye, Mer." I replied. I grabbed my homework and placed it into my backpack. I shut my locker and walked out to my car. As I was unlocking my car, I heard someone crying. I looked around, trying to see where it could be coming from. I followed the sobs of sorrow and finally came across a light blue car. I peeked inside and saw one of my friends. Elsa? I gently knocked on the window, hoping she would let me in. She turned and looked me. I pointed at the handle and asked if I could come in. She slowly nodded yes and I quietly opened the door. "Hey, Elsa." I sweetly greeted.

"Hey, Punzie." Elsa answered, not making eye contact. I assumed it was because she was embarrassed to be found crying in her car.

"What's eatin' ya?" I asked.

"It's nothing." Elsa lied.

"Elsa, please don't lie to me. I'm your friend. I want to help you." I replied.

"It's nothing compared to what you've been through the last few days." Elsa finished.

"Elsa, just because something bad happened to me, doesn't mean that something bad didn't happen to you. So what happened?" I asked, hoping she would answer.

"I got this taped onto my locker." Elsa sniffed. She handed me a crumpled up note. I peeled it open gently so I wouldn't rip it. I looked at the note, trying to read what was written.

Jack could never love you. He wouldn't even look at loser like you. He only talks to you because of Rapunzel.

I was in shock. How could someone have figured out that she liked Jack? I didn't tell anyone. "Who wrote this?" I asked.

Top Dawgs (Big Eight)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora