Wee lamb

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*Eugene's POV*
I woke up earlier than I usually do because I was cold. Stupid winter. I rolled over and saw Rapunzel was gone. Where is she? I looked at my phone to see what time it was. 6:13! I've only had two hours of sleep?! "Rapunzel!" I whispered. "Rapunzel!' I said a little louder. I heard a voice singing and the shower running. I listened closer and heard Rapunzel.

"And at last I see the light!" Rapunzel sang. Weird, I've never heard that song before. Suddenly, the shower stopped and she stopped singing. I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. I heard the door squeak open and felt a shadow fall over my eyes. "Eugene, I know you're awake so don't look while I'm changing." Rapunzel commanded. I opened my eyes and saw her looking at me with a towel wrapped around her body, water dripping off her hair.

"Rapunzel, why did you wake me up?" I teased.

"Look the other way." Rapunzel groaned as she went to her side of the bed. I laughed and looked the other way. "By the way, I knew you were awake because I heard you calling my name." Rapunzel informed.

"You scared me." I chuckled.

"Sorry. You know I'm an early riser." Rapunzel giggled.

"What was that song you were singing?" I asked.

"Just a song I made up. Nothing important." Rapunzel replied. She finished changing and went back into the bathroom to fix her hair and makeup.

"Need me to braid your hair?" I yawned as I stretched in bed.

"Yes please!" Rapunzel cheered. Rapunzel made all of us learn how to braid when we were kids because she couldn't do her own hair. She made us practice on her dolls. It was tortuous but it has helped us in the long run. Rapunzel ran over and sat in front of the bed.

"What do you want?" I groaned.

"Fishtail." Rapunzel smiled. I chuckled and started braiding. Eventually I finished and looked at the clock. 6:47.

"Well, I'm going back to bed." I said as I rolled over in the bed.

"Okay, I'm going to go make breakfast. I'll be back." Rapunzel said as she kissed me on the cheek. She walked out the door and quietly shut it. I shut my eyes and fell asleep. I woke up to the sound of Rapunzel laughing.

"What?" I yawned as I watched her giggle on the bed.

"You were talking in your sleep." Rapunzel giggled.

"What did I say?" I asked.

"Fate be changed. Look inside. Mend the bond torn by pride." Rapunzel said, mocking my deep voice.

"Fate be changed. Fate be changed." I grumbled as I got up and looked around for a piece of paper.

"What's wrong?" Rapunzel asked worriedly. I grabbed a piece of paper from out of my bag and quickly wrote down what I said.

"Nothing. Just something for one of my books." I replied.

"Which one?" Rapunzel asked.

"Can't tell." I smirked.

"You're mean. Anyways, I came to tell you that breakfast is ready." Rapunzel smiled as she ruffed my hair. I followed out of the room and came across everyone sitting at the table eating pancakes.

"Rapunzel, this is delicious!" Merida cheered as she stuffed her face full of pancakes. I sat at the table next to Kristoff and grabbed myself some food. I poured on the sticky syrup. All we heard was the sound of everyone munching on their food.

"So Eugene, did you and Rapunzel sleep well last night?" Jack asked.

"I know I slept okay. How did you sleep Rapunzel?" I asked, trying not to let them know she stayed in my room.

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