I would take you in a heartbeat

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*Rapunzel's POV*
I was in my music class waiting for the final bell to ring. I was going to meet Elsa at the back of the school on the bench. Music class is so boring to me since I already know how to play the piano and guitar. My mother is very strict about me using talents. Whenever I couldn't go out with the boys, she would make me practice an instrument or paint her a picture. "Rapunzel." Miss Sarah stated.

"What?" I asked, leaning my head into my hand. I slightly opened my eyes, sleep threatening to take over my body.

"How many counts does a whole note get?" She questioned. I could feel the class turning and staring at me. I let out a sigh and sat up straighter. If my mother found out I was acting like this, she would give me a huge speech.

"Four." I answered, boredom lacing my response. She nodded her head, proud of my response. The class turned back to the front, watching her write it on the board. When they looked away, I rolled my eyes to look outside.

"Very good," Miss Sarah smiled as the bell rang. We quickly packed up our things and hurried out the door. "Don't forget, your songs are due on Friday! Have a good day!" She yelled as we ran out the door. I quickly packed up my homework into my backpack and looked to find Elsa. I searched the hallway but only found Jack.

"Hey Jack! Have you seen the blonde you ran into this morning?" I asked over the noise in the hallway. People pushed past us, either trying to get out of this school first or trying to get to the locker rooms for practice

"No, why?" Jack replied, cocking his eyebrow. He tilted his head, looking at me like I was crazy. Of course I sounded crazy. I was looking for a random girl.

"No reason." I lied. I hooked my thumbs under my backpack straps, hoping he couldn't see through my lie. I rocked on my heels, looking anywhere but him. People muttered under the breath, upset that we were in the middle of the hallway.

"You're hiding something, Punzie. Now spill." Jack commanded. I couldn't lie to my friends. I let out a sigh and walked towards him. I placed my lips near his big ears, ready to tell him my secret. If others found out what I was doing, they would think I was crazy.

"Fine, I'm going to warn her about Eugene." I whispered. Jack backed up, staring at me like I was insane. Was I? Yes, yes I was. I was going to warn a random girl about my crush never leaving her alone.

"Warn her about what?" Jack questioned, confused. I rolled my eyes and sent him a glare. What would I warn her about? Gee, I don't know. Eugene is only the biggest heartbreaker in the school.

"About how no matter what she does, Eugene won't give up." I groaned. Sometimes Jack was the stupidest kid I knew. He completely missed everything that was completely obvious.

"Alright, but soon you have to tell him how you feel." Jack frowned, worried. I shrugged my shoulders, looking at the floor. That was easier said than done. How do you tell your best friend that you like them?

"Yeah, maybe." I mumbled as Tonya came over. Oh great. This chick again. I swear, it's like I can't catch a break today. I've had to talk with her way too many times for one day.

"Hey Rapunzel! Hey Jack!" Tonya greeted as she kissed Jack on the cheek. His face light up as she sweetly smiled at him. I nearly gagged watching one of my best friends date one of the grossest girls in school.

"Hey Tonya. Well, I've got to go. See you later, Jack." I grumbled as I walked away annoyed. I wanted to get out of there fast. Tonya made me want to rip my hair out, and I love my hair!

"Bye Rapunzel!" They waved. I walked as fast as I could to the bench. I opened the back door and saw that she wasn't here yet. I took a seat on the cold, cement bench and opened my phone. I decided to message the boys and tell them about this afternoon.

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