Okay Jelsa

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*Anna's POV*
I was riding in the front seat of Hans' white car. His parents have a lot money, so him and his twelve brothers each have their own cars. Crazy, I know. "So Anna, why am I dropping you off at Jack's?" Hans asked.

"We're having a little get together." I smiled.

"Are you going to be with Kristoff?"

"Yeah, he'll be there. Why?"

"I don't want you hanging out around him."

"Why not? He's my friend."

"Anna, stop being so gullible. Can't you tell that he easily gets annoyed by you?"

"Everyone gets annoyed by me. It's my annoying personality."

"Anna, I'm being serious." Hans groaned as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"So was I. I've always been annoying, but that's what everyone likes about me."

"Nobody likes people who are annoying." Hans scoffed.

"So you're saying you don't like me?" I huffed.

"Yes." Hans replied. I froze up. He doesn't like me? "I love you." Hans smiled as he kissed my hand.

"Hans, you gave me heart attack!" I laughed as I shoved him.

"Hey, I'm driving!" Hans grinned as he shoved me back. I smiled and looked out my window.

"I love you too." I whispered loud enough for him to hear. Eventually, we arrived at Jack's.

"Thanks Hans." I smiled before I kissed his cheek.

"Later Anna. Remember, stay away from Kristoff. I don't want you getting hurt." Hans warned.

"Kristoff is just a friend. Besides, Elsa will be there." I assured. I figured he didn't want me around Kristoff because he was jealous. I don't know why he would be jealous of him though.

"Okay, love you." Hans smiled.

"Love you too." I replied as I shut the door. I wrapped my coat tighter around my body as I walked up to the front door. Like Hans, Jack's family was pretty wealthy too. I knocked on the door, waiting for someone to let me into the heated house. As I stood outside, I watched my breath float into the air.

"Anna! Finally!" Jack cheered as he opened the door.

"Hi." I smiled.

"Well come in, you're letting all the heat out and the cold in!" Jack teased as I walked though the door. He slammed the door behind us and led me into the living room. I was greeted to Elsa, Kristoff, Mer, and Hic.

"Anna! Now all that's left is Rap and Eugene." Elsa smiled.

"How was your ride over?" Merida asked, obviously not interested.

"It was good." I replied as I sat down next to Hiccup. Suddenly, we heard pounding on the door.

"Let me guess, it's the love birds." Kristoff smirked. Jack laughed as he ran to get the door.

"Hey Rap! Come in." Jack greeted as he quickly slammed the door and locked it. Rapunzel and Jack started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Hiccup questioned.

"We just locked the door!" Jack panted.

"On Eugene!" Rapunzel finished.

"Let me in!" Eugene shouted as he pounded on the window by the living room.

"Why?" Merida smirked.

"Because it's 15 degrees out here." Eugene reasoned.

"Maybe if it was 10 degrees we would let you in." Merida snickered.

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