That's cute

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*Eugene's POV*
I walked with Rapunzel to history with my arm around her back. She told me about what she learned about Elsa and I told her about Hans. "So, Eugene. What are we doing tonight?" Rapunzel asked in her cute smile. I could never admit to her, but I have a crush on her. I always get butterflies when I'm around her, which never happens when I'm around girls. I also always feel the need to show off and act tough around her. I've only told Kristoff about my secret because I know he wouldn't accidentally blab about. I mean, I trust Jack, but I don't trust Tonya. I don't understand what Jack sees in her. I don't want to tell Jack, but I think she's using him.

"How about we go to the falls at 4?" I offered. She smiled and nodded her head, liking the idea.

"Oooo, sounds like fun. Should we go for a swim?" Rapunzel smirked. It was illegal to swim around the falls since some kid died there, but Rapunzel was up for anything as long as it was fun.

"Let's do it." I smiled. We took our seats. I sat right behind Rapunzel so I alway whisper sarcastic answers in her ear or play with her hair.

"Today, we are doing to learn about the French Revolution-" Mr. Howard started. I leaned over and whispered into Rapunzel's ear. French Revolution, more like the boring revolution.

"Let's pass notes."

"Okay." Rapunzel  whispered back. She pulled out a notecard and wrote on it in her neat handwriting. She was good at multi-tasking. She had all A+ and she could pass notes.

P~So, what do you want to talk about?~

E~Anything but the French Revoultion.~ I passed the note back and saw her giggle.

P~Ya, it is kinda boring :P ~

E~You could say that again ~ I saw Punzie try to hold back her giggling as she passed it back

P~Ya, it is kinda boring :P ~ Seriously?

E~I didn't mean it literally!~ I gave a playful glare as I handed it back.

P~I know silly!~ Rapunzel turned around to hand me the note but it was grabbed by Mr. Howard.

"What going on here?" He questioned. Everyone in the class stared at us with peering eyes. I could tell that one wanted to actually learn today, so why not mess around a little.

"Nothing." I lied as I shrugged my shoulders. He arched his eyebrow and snatched the card out of my hand.

"Really? Maybe I should read the note out loud to the class." Mr. Howard threatened as he spin the card between his fingertips.

"Go for it." I dared. I heard the class snickering. I was thankful that time was being spent more on us than the lesson.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Mr. Howard mocked in a girly voice. "Anything but the French Revolution." Mr. Howard mocked in a deep voice. He did that for the rest of the card.

"See, nothing." I smirked.

"I'll let you off this time, Fitzherbert. Rapunzel, I don't want to see you act this way, you're so much better than that." Mr. Howard said in a disappointed voice.

"Yes Mr. Howard." Rapunzel replied hanging her head. I felt sorry for dragging her into this mess and getting her in trouble, but there wasn't much I could do now.

"Okay, where were we?" Mr. Howard began as he clapped his hands. I noticed Rapunzel looked a little sad so I decided to cheer her up. She was always the positive one in the group.

"Hey, do you see the bald spot forming on Mr. Howard's head?" I asked. She quickly looked and giggled.

"Now that you mention it, it glows like a flashlight." She whispered. I chuckled and listened to the lesson. The bell rang and we hurried to get out of that class. Rapunzel and I went our separate ways, I went to strength training with Kristoff and Rapunzel went to art.

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